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Monsterkill ($.99) – Cute little mummies, vampires, and werewolves are out Complaints and reviews wreaking havoc, and the only way to stop them will be as casting periods. By making simple gestures on the touchscreen, players can summon a selection of of spells to pack up the adorable little creatures of trouble.

Located atop the Square, the Coriander has been a staple in Bournemouth’s dining scene, serving authentic Mexican food for over two decades. The two storey restaurant conjures up images of Old Mexico, with its Southwestern style interiors, decor, hardwood floors, up to your pictures quite a few cacti lining the wall structure. The Coriander has established a well-deserved reputation for serving excellent Mexican and Latin American food. The widely accepted tiger prawn fajitas, in particular, always gets rave Reviews. A favourite combination will be the cold Corona and Tecate with the hot, hot salsa. Making use of crowd includes locals, students and tourist. Reservations are recommended. This restaurant is open during weekdays and weekends, from noon to 10:30 pour.m.

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