Did Cleopatra have a cat? – Answers.com

no….she did not have a cat. no….she did not have a cat.

Why would Cleopatra be a cat?

Cleopatra could only be a cat in some fiction or kiddy lit. Cleopatra could also be a name for someone’s pet cat. A cat-creature in a video game could also be called Cleopatra. Its a name that goes with just about anything.

Did Cleopatra have cats?

Yes Cleopatra had a cat and it meant alot to her.

What cats did Cleopatra have?

if Cleopatra had a cat it would be a sphinx cause that was the only breed there is for a cat back in the Egyptian times. a sphinx is a cat that has no fur or whiskers but i don’t think she had a cat im not that sure.

Did Cleopatra have a cat named Cleocatra?

If Cleopatra had any kind of cat, we don’t know about it. The most we know about Cleopatra begins at age 22. Anything before this time is nothing but speculation.

Why Cleopatra have a black cat?

cleopatra is evil and people think black cats are evil and plus dogs are mans best freind and cats are womans best freind

Who was the descendant of the ptolemies a greek family Nefertiti or Cleopatra?

Cleopatra. Cleopatra. Cleopatra. Cleopatra. Cleopatra. Cleopatra. Cleopatra. Cleopatra. Cleopatra.

Did Cleopatra VII have animals?

Yes, like all Pharaohs. She had cats as they we thought to be messengers of the cat goddess Bastet.

What is the film Cleopatra about?

The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That’s why its called „Cleopatra“. The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That’s why its called „Cleopatra“. The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That’s why its called „Cleopatra“. The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That’s why its called „Cleopatra“. The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That’s why its called „Cleopatra“. The film Cleopatra is the…

Who was Egyptian queen that that had a relation ship with Julius Caesar?

Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra VII.

What could you dress up as for a fancy dress party that begins with the letter C?

Clown, Cat, Caesar, Cowboy, Cleopatra, Carrot….

Why did the Egyptian people who were ruled by Cleopatra wear cat masks?

Well, cats were sacred to egyptians, and they even sometimes mummified their cats.

IS Cleoparra de Nile Cleopatras daughter?

Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, 중형 강아지종류 Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra had only one daughter, Cleopatra Selene.

Where did Cleopatra reigon?

Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt. Cleopatra reigned in Egypt.

What ruler of Egypt was romantically and potically invovled with Julius caesar and Mark Anothy?

It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII. It was Cleopatra VII.

How much kids does Cleopatra have?

Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids. Cleopatra had four kids.

How did Cleopatra influence fashion in era?

Cleopatra’s fashion is still used today. In costumes, hairstyles and even the cat eye. That all came from her.

How many brothers did cleoparta have?

Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers. Cleopatra had two brothers.

How many cleopatras were there?

There was~ * Cleopatra I * Cleopatra II * Cleopatra III * Cleopatra IV * Cleopatra V * Cleopatra VI * Cleopatra VII In total there were 7 Cleopatra’s. Cleopatra VII is the most famous as she was the last of the Greek/ Roman Pharohs.

How many Cleopatra’s movies were made?

Does not include television productions, animation or shorts other than early silents: „Antony and Cleopatra“ (1908) „Cleopatra“ (1910) „Cleopatra“ (1912) „Marcantonio e Cleopatra“ (1913) „Antony and Cleopatra“ (1914) „Cleopatra“ (1917) „Anthony and Cleopatra“ (1924) „Cleopatra“ (1934) „Caesar and Cleopatra“ (1945) „La vida intima de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra“ (1947) „Antony and Cleopatra“ (1951) „Two Nights with Cleopatra“ (1953) „Serpent of the Nile“ (1953) „Legions of the Nile“ (1960) „Una Regina peer Cesare“ (1962) „Cleopatra“ (1963)…

Did Cleopatra have a cat call cleocatra?

Extremely unlikely, as the Ancient Egyptian name for cats was almost certainly not „cat“. A „funny“ name like this only makes sense in Teutonic language families, and Egyptian is not one of those.

When died Cleopatra?

Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC. Cleopatra died in 30 BC.

Is the sphinx Cleopatra?

No, the sphinx has no connection whatsoever to Cleopatra.

Where did Cleopatra reside?

Cleopatra resided in her palace in Alexandria.

Who was 1st bodicea or Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was first. Cleopatra was alive in BC., while Boudicca lived in AD. Cleopatra was first. Cleopatra was alive in BC., while Boudicca lived in AD. Cleopatra was first. Cleopatra was alive in BC., while Boudicca lived in AD. Cleopatra was first. Cleopatra was alive in BC., while Boudicca lived in AD. Cleopatra was first. Cleopatra was alive in BC., while Boudicca lived in AD. Cleopatra was first. Cleopatra was alive in BC., while Boudicca…

Dress up party starting with c?

you could be a cat a cheerleader cleopatra if your a guy you should be a criminal and wear a ski mask and black =] goodluck

Why did Caesar marry Cleopatra?

Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra. Caesar never married Cleopatra.

How many years was Cleopatra alive?

Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years. Cleopatra was alive for 39 years.

How many children did Cleopatra v11 have?

Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children. Cleopatra VII had four children.

WAS Cleopatra of Egyptian Descent?

No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent. No, Cleopatra was of Macedonian/Greek descent.

Was Julius Caesar married to cleopatra?

No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married. No, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra were not married.

What age Cleopatra die?

Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39. Cleopatra died at the age of 39.

What is the name of Cleopatras sister?

Cleopatra had three sisters. they were Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV and Arsinoe IV. Cleopatra had three sisters. they were Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV and Arsinoe IV. Cleopatra had three sisters. they were Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV and Arsinoe IV. Cleopatra had three sisters. they were Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV and Arsinoe IV. Cleopatra had three sisters. they were Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV and Arsinoe IV. Cleopatra had three sisters. they were Cleopatra VI, Berenice IV…

What pets did Cleopatra have?

A lion/tiger, something in the big feline family like those. Probably a leopard Cleopatra has been dead for over 2,000 years, however, when Cleopatra was alive she may have a kept a domesticated cat, something slightly common in Egyptian royalty. She may have also kept a dog, however dogs were more common as hunting animals at the time.

What was Cleopatras real name that she was born with?

Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra. Cleopatra’s birth name was Cleopatra.

When did cleoparta 7th die?

Cleopatra died in 30 BC.

What were Cleopatra’s religious views?

Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion.

Where is Queen Cleopatra’s temple located?

Cleopatra never had a temple dedicated to her.

Was Cleopatra related to Nefertiti or King Tutankhamun?

No, Cleopatra was Greek; Nefertiti and Tut were Egyptian and lived about 2,000 years before Cleopatra. No, Cleopatra was Greek; Nefertiti and Tut were Egyptian and lived about 2,000 years before Cleopatra. No, Cleopatra was Greek; Nefertiti and Tut were Egyptian and lived about 2,000 years before Cleopatra. No, Cleopatra was Greek; Nefertiti and Tut were Egyptian and lived about 2,000 years before Cleopatra. No, Cleopatra was Greek; Nefertiti and Tut were Egyptian and lived…

Is queen Cleopatra and queen Cleopatra IV the same?

No they are not. The most famous Cleopatra was Queen Cleopatra VII because she was the last pharaoh to rule Egypt. Cleopatra IV was probably one of Cleopatra VII’s relatives as lots of the women in her family had the name Cleopatra.

Which empress was Cleopatra II VI or V?

Cleopatra was Cleopatra VII

Did Cleopatra have any cats?

As far as we know, no, she did not have any cats, at least as personal pets. If they ever find her grave perhaps more information as to her pets will emerge. But remember, cats were sacred in ancient Egypt, so there’s a good chance that Cleopatra would have had several cats running around the palace.

Who gave Cleopatra a funeral?

Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral. Octavian gave Cleopatra a lavish funeral.

Where did Cleopatra and Mark Anthony live?

Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria. Cleopatra and Mark Antony lived in Alexandria.

Was Cleopatra Josephs mother?

No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph. No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.

When did Cleopatra married Julius Caesar?

Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar. Cleopatra never married Julius Caesar.

Did Octavian murder Cleopatra?

No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide. No. Cleopatra murdered herself, she committed suicide.

Who was Cleopatra before she was a Pharaoh?

Before she was a pharaoh, Cleopatra was an Egyptian princess. Before she was a pharaoh, Cleopatra was an Egyptian princess. Before she was a pharaoh, Cleopatra was an Egyptian princess. Before she was a pharaoh, Cleopatra was an Egyptian princess. Before she was a pharaoh, Cleopatra was an Egyptian princess. Before she was a pharaoh, Cleopatra was an Egyptian princess. Before she was a pharaoh, Cleopatra was an Egyptian princess. Before she was a pharaoh…

How old was Cleopatra when she had a son?

Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22. Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22. Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22. Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22. Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22. Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22. Cleopatra had her first son at the age of 22. Cleopatra had her first son…

What made Cleopatra faous?

Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices. Cleopatra was made famous by her alleged vices.

Did Cleopatra marry anyone?

Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers. Cleopatra married her two younger brothers.


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