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This is a „KeyMapping Macro“, a tiny little shell script which will work out the target size of the virtual disk and allocate that size to the virtual disk. It will also resize the backing file, if present, and will then run a „vmware-vdiskmanager resize“ on the virtual disk.
Because, if you’re changing the size of your virtual disk image, you’re most likely trying to shrink it. However, because you want to resize it to a smaller size, you need to expand the virtual disk first, then shrink it again to the desired size. This is because the size of your virtual disk image is determined by the size of the backing file. If you want to shrink the backing file, you need to shrink the virtual disk image.
Sample Usage:
Run the program with the following command.
cd /path/to/folder
./vmdisksize –new-vhd –backing-file-path /path/to/image-file.vmdk –new-virtual-disk-size 500gb

Source Code:
The VMDiskSize source code is hosted at GitHub. The source code contains all the basic operations needed to resize the backing file, allocate the new virtual disk size and then resize the disk image.
The included ReadMe file will contain detailed instructions on how to use the application.
Quick Start Guide:
Download the source code, extract it to your disk and run it.
The application will walk you through the process of resizing a VMWare image, expanding the virtual disk image and allocating the new size to the backing file.
VMDiskSize.exe Example:
Open the exe, navigate to your VMWare disk image and click the „New virtual disk size“ button.
Some Caveats:
The utility only changes the size of the backing file. This means you will not be able to expand the virtual disk image, if it contains snapshots.
You cannot specify an allocation more than 128GB in size. VMWare will only let you specify a 128GB allocation size.

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Rinzo XML Editor is the only XML editor/debugger that supports single step XML editing in Eclipse! If you want to see the “structural” content of your XML documents (for example if you have an XPath that you want to see how it works), then Rinzo is the tool for you.
Other XML editors can just give you a list of element names. But Rinzo is much more than that. It’s an XML editor and debugger at the same time. Just like any other debugger, it can also give you the “structural” content of your XML document, like the “layout” of your file. And even more: It can display the “attribute” content of your document, like the “value” of your attribute, as well as the “value” of your element content.
With Rinzo, you can also have a look at your document’s schema, which means you can see what the XML document must be for it to be valid, and what the difference is between the “default” and the “actual”. Rinzo doesn’t require you to know anything about XML or anything like that. Even though you don’t have to know it. If you do know, it’s still very easy to use.
And it is extremely easy to use: Rinzo doesn’t require a lot of configuration. It is so easy that it can even be used without using any plugins. Just click, and edit. Rinzo is a very simple tool.
To see what it can do, you can look at its documentation, as well as at this demo video. You can also find the latest version here.
The feature that will probably catch most of the attention of most of the users is the one that comes from the fact that Rinzo can display the “structural” content of your XML documents. This is something that other XML editors cannot do.
To use Rinzo’s “structural” view, you just need to add it to the “View” menu in the “Rinzo XML Editor” folder. It will be disabled by default, but you can enable it through the configuration, just as you can enable it for the “XML” view.
Rinzo also comes with an “XML” view, which