AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Crack (April-2022)







AutoCAD [32|64bit] (April-2022)

The name AutoCAD was chosen to mimic the command line interface of the computer operating systems of the time. In the 1970s, the only available interfaces to computers were command line and graphical user interface (GUI) interfaces. The command line interface is useful for batch processing, but since a user cannot enter in any commands as they are typed in, it was impossible to build a software program that could modify any other existing programs. If a user wanted to add a feature to the program that had already been developed, it would have to be rewritten, which was too time-consuming to be practical.

A GUI interface was seen as an improvement because of this command line limitation. However, the early 1980s microcomputers were not able to display a realistic graphical user interface. This changed with the introduction of the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh computers in the early 1980s.

AutoCAD basics

AutoCAD was released with a top-down user interface. The user can zoom in, zoom out, rotate, pan, and use the Plotter and Painter tools to create drawings and annotate them. A window is provided for viewing a drawing, and a contextual menu is provided for making various drawing functions.

The plotter can be used to add objects to a drawing. The pen can be used to draw straight lines or circles, arcs, and bezier curves, and the pencil can be used to create freehand drawing objects. The eraser can remove objects and also create strokes and paths.

The Painter tool can be used to create objects or to change existing objects. Objects that can be created are lines, circles, rectangles, squares, arcs, and polylines.

The Plotter tool can be used to add objects to a drawing. The pen can be used to draw straight lines or circles, arcs, and bezier curves, and the pencil can be used to create freehand drawing objects. The eraser can remove objects and also create strokes and paths.

The Painter tool can be used to create objects or to change existing objects. Objects that can be created are lines, circles, rectangles, squares, arcs, and polylines.

When in the drawing area, the user can zoom in or out with a slider that can be found in the bottom right of the screen. The top left of the screen is where a window to the drawing area is located. A utility window containing the drawing area is

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Data Interchange Format (DXF), introduced in AutoCAD 2002

Autodesk claims its first AutoCAD product was released in 1989. Autodesk stated that the name Autodesk was chosen to reflect the company’s ability to „shape the future“.

The first version of Autodesk AutoCAD was released on January 18, 1990, and was version 1.0. Until that time, CAD was primarily used for designing computer-controlled machine tools and factories.

Autodesk AutoCAD 3D was introduced in 1992 and became the first graphical CAD application for designing and manufacturing solid objects, such as vehicles, machinery and buildings. In 1992, Autodesk said AutoCAD 3D had already sold more than three million units. It was the first 3D application to have a VD (Visual Development) 3D environment that supports advanced tools to create 3D models, such as import, export, and layout functions. The AutoCAD 3D logo and interface were new at the time and introduced at the 1992 Siggraph conference.

In 1993, Autodesk released AutoCAD Map 3D, which was the first CAD application to offer a true 3D topographic map. The line-based map used a 3D wire frame model (i.e., similar to a 2D topographic map). The 3D topographic map was modeled and drawn using AutoCAD and viewed in the same 3D environment.

In 1995, the first version of AutoCAD Map 3D was released for Windows 95 and later with support for Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. AutoCAD Map 3D was one of the first applications on the Microsoft Windows operating system to support 3D modeling, creating 3D models of topographic maps, elevation models and buildings. At the time, Autodesk claimed that the 3D topographic map technology was the first of its kind.

In 1997, Autodesk introduced an improved 3D interface called AutoCAD Map 3D for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. This interface was designed with the software’s new 3D functionality.

In 1998, Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D version 6.2 became the first CAD application with 3D graphics capabilities to come to the Macintosh platform.

In 2000, Autodesk introduced the new AutoCAD Map 3D map format, which was modeled in a 3D style similar to that of a traditional 2

AutoCAD Crack+ Full Version

defer g.session.Close()

for _, key := range []string{„txn_id“, „txn_type“, „account“, „sender“, „recipient“} {
if err := isRetryable(err); err!= nil {
if err := tableDelete(t, g, key, „“, 1); err!= nil {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)

// Ensure that 0-9, 0-9, 0-9, 0-9 still work.
func testTableDelete(t *testing.T, g *G, f, key string, val string, retry int) {
defer g.db.Close()
if err := g.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(key))
if b == nil {
return errors.New(„test should have data“)
if b.Bucket([]byte(val)) == nil {
return errors.New(„test should have data“)
return nil
}); err!= nil {
if retry == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
if err := tableDelete(t, g, f, key, val, retry-1); err!= nil {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)

func tableDelete(t *testing.T, g *G, f, key, val string, retry int) error {
defer g.session.Close()
if err := isRetryable(err); err!= nil {
if err := g.db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b, err := tx.CreateBucket([]byte(f))
if err!= nil {

What’s New In?

Implement safe spaces for drawing changes in DraftSight using the new IMarkup option.

Copy, Paste, Resize, and Mirror tools:

The Copy, Paste, Resize, and Mirror tools now include the new Resolution options.

The New Acceleration option in the Advanced Settings dialog box has been added to make it easier to adjust the speed of the Copy, Paste, Resize, and Mirror tools.

The Resolve Automatically option in the Tool Properties dialog box has been added to the Paste and Mirror tools.

Transparency Manager:

Use the new Transparency Manager tool to turn on or off transparency for every object. Use this tool to set the color of transparent objects and apply this color to objects to which it applies.


The existing Arch and Oval objects can now be made into non-regular objects by converting the object into a path or oval. When a path or oval is converted, the thickness of the existing object is preserved.

The Pen tool in AutoCAD now provides three preset pen widths that you can modify via the Pen Width property in the Property Editor.

File History:

The File History window has been updated with new options. You can now import the content of a specified folder or a specific shape. Select a text box to import the entire contents of a shape. If you choose a shape, it is automatically imported.


You can now snap to nearly any location within a region. Choose either the coordinate or location feature in the Snap tab in the Tools | Options dialog box. This option is also available when you create an instance of a tool.


Access the new DraftSight workspace with the new workspace and Snap options. You can now select any number of cells and use the Adjust option to make adjustments and changes in a specified row or column.

Version 19 of AutoCAD is only available for the Mac OS, and is not supported in other versions of AutoCAD.

What’s new in AutoCAD LT 2020

AutoCAD LT 2020 is a free, pre-release version of AutoCAD and CAD application. It is designed for students, educators, hobbyists, and professionals who use CAD software to create and maintain 2D and 3D models.

The AutoCAD LT 2020 release is provided to qualified

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Requires OpenAL Soft (1.8.9)
Mac OS X 10.4.10 or later
Intel Mac OS X 10.4.10 or later
HP-UX 10.3
Linux or Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, 7
Intel Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, 7
Windows 2000, ME, XP, Vista, 7
Intel Windows 2000,

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