AutoCAD 21.0 Free [March-2022]









AutoCAD Crack + Download

AutoCAD is available for use in most of the world’s major operating systems. The AutoCAD Runtime (ARC) is needed to run AutoCAD. ARC can also be used with AutoCAD LT.

Several free and open-source alternatives to AutoCAD exist, including:

2D Drafting FreeCAD, FreeCAD R14 and FreeCAD R18 are two graphical-based free CAD applications that run on Windows, Linux and MacOS. This article focuses on FreeCAD, which is open-source (Free Software Foundation – GNU General Public License). There are also various commercial CAD software alternatives, such as:

Design review and drafting is an essential part of an architectural design process. In this article, we will discuss how to create a design review and drafting document in AutoCAD.

Basic Structure of a Design Review and Drafting Document

A design review and drafting document is a documentation that is created in the context of a design review meeting. The document is a critical artifact that is shared by the participants in the design review meeting. In addition, the document becomes an important record of the design review meeting and the actions performed during the meeting.

The following table shows the minimum structure of a design review and drafting document:

Summary of a Design Review and Drafting Document Structure

This document consists of the following elements:

Drafting information: The information of a basic design document, including an AutoCAD drawing with the architectural drawings.

Drafting annotations: Any information about a draft, such as annotations to the details of the design, comments, approval symbols, so forth.

Critical dimensions: The information of a basic design document, including critical dimension information, such as slab dimensions, overall dimensions, and so on.

Please refer to the following figure for the basic structure of a design review and drafting document:

Drafting Annotations in a Design Review and Drafting Document

An annotation, in AutoCAD, is a drawing object that can be used to add notes, draw marks, and symbols on the drawing. The following figure shows the options that can be used to annotate a drawing:

There are different ways to create a drawing or annotation. The following example shows the steps to add a drawing annotation to a drawing. The steps for creating an annotation are:

1. Create the drawing.

2. Add the annotation.

3. Move the annotation into

AutoCAD [2022]

Product features
AutoCAD Free Download includes many features such as automatic dimensioning, snap, feature editing, technical drawing creation, D-base read and write, among others.

In addition to the basic features, such as line, circle, rectangle, and polyline, AutoCAD Cracked 2022 Latest Version offers a number of advanced features, such as spline, texture, parametric curves and surfaces, and text.

Additionally, AutoCAD Full Crack offers advanced features, such as arc tools, boolean operations, histograms and mathematical calculations. AutoCAD has also introduced a feature called direct editing, which allows users to edit directly a shape’s properties, such as text, color and style, without having to use the properties window.

AutoCAD allows users to control text and annotations with several options, including text size, alignment, rotation, and placement. Additionally, users can control color, transparency, and other properties of annotation features.

There are many shortcuts for commands that allow quick operation. For example, the command „Object Snap to Path“ creates a path from the object being placed. This can be activated simply by pressing the „5“ key on the keyboard or the „Snap to Path“ button on the ribbon bar.


The following are frequently used attachments available in AutoCAD:


Blocks are the simplest feature in AutoCAD. They are used to build up the design by creating a set of spaces and paths. Blocks do not have faces and are called „blocks“ because they are simple building blocks of the design. Each block can be assigned to certain layers and used to define the information contained in those layers.

A block is created by selecting an anchor object and creating the desired object. An example of this is a ceiling joist that can be created with two or three lines. The first line is the main centerline, which runs from one end of the building to the other. The second line runs from one side of the joist to the other. The third line is the edge of the joist. You can then add dimensions on the line, and if desired, add nodes to the line to create a pattern.

Blocks in AutoCAD are used for simple geometry, but some specialized blocks are available. These blocks are accessed from the „Window“ command under the „Design“ tab.

Color is an important part of the design process in AutoCAD. Designers use color to indicate the purpose


Launch the game and start the wizard.

Press the button „Auto-crack the unlock code for your game“ and enjoy.

Cracking was developed by Maximilian Kolb, Cesar Gonzalez and mxap.

External links
Auto-crack for Autodesk Autocad

Category:2011 software
Category:Data recovery software
Category:Encryption softwareQ:

What does ‚-2‘ in strtol() mean?

So I’m looking at a C code which has strtol function and in the code it has
result = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (result – 2));

I don’t know what the -2 means in result – 2.
Anyone know how it’s working?


It means you’re supposed to have enough space for 2 characters in result, then the conversion will follow, and then the rest of the conversion. i.e. it’s padding the remainder of the string (via the stack) with some extra zeroes.

* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Predis\Command;

* @link
* @author Daniele Alessandri
class StringBpopPreserve extends Command
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getId()
return ‚BPOOLPOP‘;

* {@inheritdoc}
protected function filterArguments(Array $arguments)
if (count($arguments) === 2 && is_array($arguments[1])) {

What’s New In?

Change management tools in new Model Browser and Sheet List. Transfer entire modeling history from one drawing to another and quickly access this history via the Sheet List. (video: 2:45 min.)

Support for inline dynamic text using a new text display feature in the On-screen Keyboard. A text frame will appear on-screen so you can position and resize text dynamically. (video: 1:55 min.)

Linked models and drawings:

Make links to models and drawings and automatically update them when you update the linked file. Create self-describing links that can be automatically updated and displayed across multiple drawings. (video: 2:15 min.)

CAD online services:

Overhauled model sharing and free-floating shared models to create a more intuitive CAD solution. You can now easily share individual drawings as well as model packages. New search filters and search results make it easier to locate the drawing you want. (video: 1:45 min.)

Synchronization with the new Cloud Connection:

Up to 3,000 drawings can now be synchronized to the Cloud Connection in just 5 minutes. Share your working drawings and annotate your favorite CAD models online with other co-workers. (video: 3:15 min.)

Other updates:

Added support for the new floating windows, for the new Windows floating toolbars, and for the new Window Containers. The ability to quickly switch between the floating and regular window modes is now enabled by default. The new clip feature in the Sidebar toolbars can be enabled or disabled. The addition of the Configure tool automatically creates a filter for new drawings.

Bug fixes:

The problem where the user could not save certain file formats when exporting from the collaboration tool and the tool was not working correctly when importing certain file formats has been resolved.

The extension menu in the Quick Access toolbars no longer displays its own entry when the menu is expanded. The extension menu no longer gets pushed down when the user navigates back to the Quick Access toolbars.

The middle mouse button now works as the right mouse button in several drawing menus, including the right-click menu in the Source Editor and the toolbars.

Other changes:

Added the ability to create custom document properties. Added new attributes for dimensions, polylines, markers, text, shapes, and text and image formats. Added features to the Print command to specify

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit and 32-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit and 32-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit and 32-bit)
Processor: Intel Core i3 2.3 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTX or AMD equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband internet connection
Sound: System speaker, microphone
Additional Notes:
Physical Requirements:
Requires dual-