AutoCAD Crack







AutoCAD Crack + With Serial Key Free PC/Windows


There are two types of AutoCAD users. The first are the designers or architectural draftsmen who use AutoCAD to create two-dimensional drawings for their work. A second type of user is the technical or engineering draftsman who creates three-dimensional drawings, drawings with dimensioning, or floor plans. Although there is no difference between the two user types in terms of the functions that they can perform, designers are not required to be technical or engineering draftsmen.

Designed for users who work in the architectural, engineering, and construction industries, AutoCAD lets users design from very simple to very complex drawings.


AutoCAD stands for Autocad AutoCAD, is a Computer-Aided Design software package manufactured by Autodesk. Its main purpose is to create 2D and 3D drawings of technical or architectural objects. Autodesk claims that AutoCAD is the world’s best-selling professional engineering software. Over 13 million AutoCAD customers use the software every day to create 2D and 3D drawings. AutoCAD is highly regarded as one of the top 10 CAD programs of all time.

The release of AutoCAD 2002 and earlier software introduced the ability to create 3D models as well as 2D drawings. In addition, AutoCAD 2012 introduced online 3D modeling capabilities.


AutoCAD is a 2D and 3D drafting and design software application that can be used for designing in all industries. AutoCAD was first created as a desktop application, and a later version called AutoCAD LT was released as a client/server software package. A modern version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, has been adopted by students and teachers to enable design to be shared.

AutoCAD LT is useful for drafting purposes and provides users with a lower cost solution than the desktop version of AutoCAD. With AutoCAD LT, users can draw the necessary two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) drawings to design an entire project, or individual objects, and then share their designs online. There are no restrictions on what you can design with AutoCAD LT; you can even design in 3D using the Internet.

AutoCAD LT is designed to meet the needs of student and teacher users to provide a low cost version of AutoCAD. Autodesk also provides AutoCAD LT for users who require only

AutoCAD Free Download (Latest)

User-customizable: Users may customize AutoCAD using numerous sources such as plugins, the command line, XML, and third-party libraries.
Extensible: AutoCAD’s extensive user-customizable and extensible architecture allows developers to extend AutoCAD functionality, including extension of the drawing, command line, scripting and automation, and third-party libraries.

The following is a list of some of the applications that use the AutoCAD product or library and are listed on the AutoCAD Application Center:
ACADwin, Architectural and Engineering design applications
AutoCAD Architecture, Architectural design
AutoCAD Electrical, Electrical engineering applications
AutoCAD Civil 3D, Civil engineering applications
AutoCAD MEP, Mechanical and electrical engineering applications
AutoCAD MEP, Mechanical engineering
AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD software for small businesses and teachers
Acutool, AR-markup (former Autodesk Freehand)
Backintime, raster image editor
BIMtool, 2D and 3D building information modeler
CASE, CASE Management Software
Cadon, technical visualization application
Creo, parametric product design
DraftSight, 3D CAD drafting and design
EAGLE, 3D CAD drafting and design
Forge, file conversion
Generate, cad conversion utility
GIS 3D, CAD-GIS for large-scale map projects
IFE, integrated engineering
Inventor, parametric product design and engineering
Inventor RT, parametric product design and engineering
Mechanical, CAD/CAM tool used by CAD-CAM and CAM-CAM
Mizist, 2D drawing creation and editing
MicroStation, GIS and CAD-GIS
NX, CAM-CAM tool used by CAD-CAM and CAM-CAM
NX, CAM-CAM tool used by CAD-CAM and CAM-CAM
NX, CAM-CAM tool used by CAD-CAM and CAM-CAM
OptiCAD, professional package design
ParaView, for high-performance visualization, data management, and analysis
PowerCAD, part- and assembly-based CAD for designers
QuickCAD, free mobile CAD software
Revit, BIM platform by Autodesk
SketchUp, parametric product design
SOLIDWORKS, BIM platform by Autodesk

AutoCAD [Latest-2022]

Open the Autocad application.

Choose Autocad > New Project.

Choose the appropriate options for the project (for example, default language or use an existing project).

Click OK.

Enter the name for the project.

A dialog box opens and asks for the location of the.dwg file.

Click Open.

A dialog box opens to select a location for the.dwg file.

Click Open.

Close the Autocad application.

Copy the generated key (32-bit or 64-bit) from the output folder to the directory that contains your.dwg file.

Rename the.dwg file extension to.drf (DoR File).

Open the Autocad application.

Choose Autocad > Project Properties.

In the Options dialog box, choose the DWG File Type as Raster File.

Click OK.

In the Select File dialog box, select the.drf file and click Open.

The file is processed and a dialog box opens.

Select 2D Surface Model (or 3D Surface Model if you changed the default from 2D Surface Model).

Click OK.

You can now draw the surface model.

Drawing by hand

This example illustrates how to create a surface model by using the drawing tools in Autocad.

Creating a surface model

Open the.dwg file from the previous example and open it in Autocad.

Using the Autocad drawing tools, draw the surface.

View the surface model from the perspective of the right side.

Open the Mesh Box tool from the Home tab.

Draw a box on the right side of the surface model.

In the Options dialog box, in the Surface Contour Mode section, change the „Extend the surface along the extrusion direction“ option from none to continuous.

In the Options dialog box, change the Type of Contour to Smooth.

Draw a series of points around the right side of the surface, to create the required mesh.

Using the „Draw a Extrusion“ tool from the Surface section on the Home tab, draw an extrusion that connects the ends of the mesh.

In the Options dialog box, change the Extrusion Type to Smooth, and change the options for the Ext

What’s New In?

Drawing CAD objects is easier than ever, and importing them into AutoCAD is faster than ever. With a huge number of supported drawing formats, you can open new files, open past CAD drawings, and open existing drawings faster and easier than ever before. (video: 3:00 min.)

Automatic Dimensional Analysis:

Speed up the creation of dimensional drawings, including insertion, dimension notes, and automatic spacing. Insert 2D reference entities and automatically generate dimensional reference drawings. Also, you can now switch to the Spline graphics style and draw straight line segments (where you could only draw circular arcs before) and, if you wish, create text with embedded dimensions. (video: 1:20 min.)

Export to PDF, SVG, GBS, DXF, and other supported formats. Convert AutoCAD files to standard PDF (Windows only) or SVG formats. Convert AutoCAD files to Windows Bitmap (.bmp) format. AutoCAD can even read and insert geometries from AutoCAD DWG files. Import from DWG files. Save drawings in standards such as PDF, SVG, DXF, or DWG. (video: 1:25 min.)

Improved dimensioning

AutoCAD can now automatically create and insert intelligent dimension lines for the most commonly used objects. Dimensions can be linked to units so that they will adjust to the units you use for other drawings. (video: 1:18 min.)

Support for 2D drawings:

You can now open 2D drawings in AutoCAD. Support has been added for graphs and images, too. (video: 1:09 min.)

Find drawings with your designs:

You can now search for designs or drawings containing your selected components. Find a particular drawing and scroll to the section you want to use. Click the FIND button to open the search box and type what you’re looking for. Select a drawing and click the FIND button to begin the search. (video: 1:11 min.)

Improvements to DWG and DXF format files:

AutoCAD has gained many improvements for the DWG and DXF formats. AutoLISP now supports design entities such as lines and dimensions. And the AutoLISP drawing layer is now completely exposed. Add curves and text to existing AutoLISP drawings, and share your drawings with other users. If you have a subscription

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
CPU: 2.6 GHz quad-core CPU
Disc Space: ~500 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Additional Notes:
Controls are not guaranteed to be working on systems running other versions of Windows, including Windows XP and Windows 8.1.
Controls are not guaranteed to work on other operating systems.
USB Mouse
USB Keyboard
Additional Notes: