Kansas Crack Keygen Free [32|64bit] [March-2022]







Kansas With License Key Download [2022]


Version: 1.00
Author: Giovanni Checchia
Author Email: checchia@bat.it
Email: garbacos.pp@gmail.com
Download URL:

This is free for non-commercial use only.
Download Kansas Activation Code:

Kansas Example:
Kansas.exe -save

Note that you must have AutoIt installed, and that you can use a newer version of the download which contains all the stuff from 1.00 to 1.1, or just the latest version (1.1).

The Kansas script opens Explorer and changes the shell to a blank screen, so users see it but can’t do anything except log off.
The script is a standalone WinPE (Windows Preinstallation Environment) installation and can be saved in a flashdrive, inserted into another PC, and just run. It also does not need AutoIt to be installed.
Since it’s a WinPE installation, you can use it to quickly get to your preferred shell and then log off.
Kansas auto-updates when you run it for the first time (or if a later version is installed).
Kansas is not an AutoIt script and is not affiliated with Autohotkey.
Kansas was written by Giovanni Checchia and is free for non-commercial use.

Version 1.0.1:
The small update fixes the „can’t set protected registry keys“ error (due to file system changes introduced in Windows 10 since 1.0). It’s available now on the Kansas page.
The small update is available from Kansas 1.00

Version 1.0:
This is Kansas 1.00, released December 1st 2015.
The small update fixes the „cannot set protected registry keys“ error (due to file system changes introduced in Windows 10 since 1.00)
There are some other small changes.

Version 0.8.4:
This update contains a fix for the „Can’t find the service: Winlogon“ error (since the XP SP3-style registry keys were removed in Vista)
The script now has support for connecting to remote Windows machines without needing to do anything else.
Another fix

Kansas Free Download (Updated 2022)

Kansas is not much use in itself, but it’s a nice tool to have on hand to switch between Explorer and other shells, and it’s a nice „home base“ for other shortcuts.
Explorer has its own default keymapping, so Kansas can be called without any user input. However, it can also be called by Kansas’s own button (a built-in macro).
I use it as my main „home base“ for shortcuts.
Kansas will not conflict with any existing shortcuts.
Kansas will not conflict with any other utilities that may be installed into %TEMP%.
Kansas will not conflict with any other utility in its own directory.
Kansas can be put anywhere on your desktop, but you should choose a place where it won’t interfere with your work.
Kansas can be executed in AutoIt3’s Auto Start module (see below), and it can be called when AutoIt3 starts automatically, without any user input.
Kansas can be called from Explorer by pressing „Shift+F2“, or from Explorer’s other menus (right click on the menu and select „Send to Kansas“).
Kansas can be called with any combination of keyboard and mouse buttons (unlike normal Explorer shortcuts).
Kansas can be called without specifying the „Destination:“ parameter.
Kansas can be called without specifying the „Shell:“ parameter.
Kansas can be called without specifying the „Parameters:“ parameter.
Kansas can be called with any combinations of parameters:
Kansas parameters:
Kansas can also be called from Explorer by pressing „F8“.
Kansas can be called when pressing „Ctrl+Shift+Escape“ („Escape“ for some).
Kansas can be called from Explorer using:
Command: „%1“
Parameters: „Explorer“
Key: „F8“
Kansas can be called from Explorer by pressing „F8“ twice.
Kansas can be called by pressing „Ctrl+Shift+F8“.
Kansas can be called from Explorer by pressing „Shift+F8“.
Kansas can be called by pressing „Ctrl+Shift+F8“.
Kansas can be called from Explorer by pressing „Shift+F8“.

Kansas Crack Free Registration Code Download [Win/Mac]

Changes the shell back to Explorer, no user interface, and logs off.

Changes the shell back to Explorer, no user interface, and logs off.
Changes the shell back to Explorer, no user interface, and logs off.

(AutoIt v3.1.0.4+ MFC AutoIt v3.1.0.4+ MFC AutoIt v3.1.0.4+ MFC
Compile By: Texasnutz)

Kansas Description:

Changes the shell back to Explorer, no user interface, and logs off.

(AutoIt v3.1.0.4+ MFC AutoIt v3.1.0.4+ MFC AutoIt v3.1.0.4+ MFC
Compile By: Texasnutz)


GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.


GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.


GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

Kansas is an AutoIt script (and a compiled executable) which changes the shell back to Explorer and logs off (which is much faster), without any user interface. It is a simple AutoIt script that works with Windows 2000 and 2003 and Windows 7 and 2008. It can also work with Windows 7 and 2008 if the script is edited to use the WinApi Explorer.exe function. It can also use the WinApi Explorer.exe function to logoff without closing the explorer shell.
NOTE: If using the WinApi Explorer.exe function, it must be changed to use the explorer.exe command instead of the WinApi name in order to have the „changes the shell back to Explorer and logs off“ work.
Kansas FAQ:
– How do I install the AutoIt script?
Kansas can be downloaded here:

– How do I install the AutoIt script?
Kansas can be downloaded here:

– I don’t know how to compile the AutoIt script…
Kansas can be downloaded here

What’s New In Kansas?

The Kansas feature allows you to quickly and easily log off from Windows without having to click on the „log off“ icon, or edit the Registry. Kansas is much faster than just hitting „Alt-F4“ or Ctrl-Alt-Del, and takes less than a second to load. It loads in the background without any user interface or icon.
Once loaded, Kansas sets the prompt to Home and logs you off.

Kansas is simple to use, just type „Kansas“ in the Run box and press Enter.

Do you have to type „Kansas“ instead of just hit Enter?
No, you can just hit Enter. The Kansas script is only run when you type „Kansas“ in the Run box.

Compatability with other scripts:
Kansas is Windows 2000 and above compatible. There is no registry modification needed, no GUI or icon displayed when Kansas starts up.
All registry settings can be put in the Kansas.ini file for those who don’t want to edit the registry.
This can also be used as a replacement for „Alt-F4“ or Ctrl-Alt-Del.

Kansas will work on Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Kansas will not work on Windows ME. It doesn’t even work on Windows 8.
If you want to use Kansas, please read the instructions in the README.INI file inside the kansas directory.




Kansas source code


Developers of Kansas, their websites and projects:

Luke, Adi,

OScar, Robert,


About Kansas

This script can be used to restore the Explorer window as soon as Windows starts. Windows switches to Explorer automatically when the first taskbar icon is clicked (it’s on the first icon), but you don’t want to have to click it to open Explorer. It makes it much faster to open Explorer just by typing Kansas in the Run box. Kansas can also be used for log off in Explorer and the Office programs when you’re done.

Kansas uses AutoIt 3 and a customized shortcut for Windows 2000, XP and Vista users.

When running a script from the desktop, you can click the ‚Run‘ button, type „Kansas“ and then click the desktop icon.

Kansas doesn’t show the user interface when it loads, so you don’t have to click the ‚Start‘ button to start the script.

You don’t have to type in „Kansas“ instead of just clicking the icon.

Kansas is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Kansas can be called from Explorer and Office.

Kansas has a built-in IN

System Requirements For Kansas:

* Minimum version: macOS 10.6.6 or later
* Recommended version: macOS 10.12.6 or later
* Compatible with macOS Sierra 10.12.6 or later.
* AMD APU or Intel i5.2 or later.
* 4GB of RAM is recommended for using all the bells and whistles.
* USB keyboard and mouse is highly recommended.
* Only supports Mac OS X.
How to install:
Download and install the game, wait for the
