Chimes Delay Free Download [2022]

Will add random delay to your audio, and randomly changes the pitch of each delay if you specify a note list (which is where the name ‚Chimes Delay‘ comes from).
Each number in the note list indicates how many semitones your audio should be pitch shifted (along with matching tempo shift). For example, 0 indicates no pitch shift, 12 indicates a rise of 12 semitones (one octave), -5 indicates drop of 5 semitones (like going from C down to G below that C note).
Example: If the audio you have loaded into Audacity is C3, the above note list would randomly produce the following major-sounding notes:
C1 C2 G2 C3 E3 G3 C4 D4 G4
If you delete this note list, a list of notes will be generated between a lower and upper number. The default values of these two numbers are -12 semitones (decrease of 1 octave) and +24 semitones (increase of 2 octaves) respectively.
If your audio is stereo, each random delay with random volume and pitch change will also be randomly panned anywhere between left and right. (It is best that your audio is first panned to center before applying Chimes Delay.)
Adding a bit of regular delay and/or other effects before applying Chimes Delay results in a richer sound.
If you want a particular note (from the note list) to be repeated more often, you can enter it more than once in the list.
If you simply want your audio randomly delayed with no multiple pitch changes, either enter just one number into the note list, or enter the same number into the minimum and maximum notes fields.
It is possible that total length of your resulting audio will be maximum delay time *plus* the duration of your original audio. This may be still longer if the final delay(s) is/are decreased in pitch (resulting in a reduced tempo).
Warning: If your original audio is non-musical, Chimes Delay will not make it musical!
1. Chimes note list: [default list: -24 -12 -5 0 4 7 12 14 19]
2. Minimum note: [semitones from -12 to +48]
3. Maximum note: [semitones from -12 to +48]
4. Maximum delay time: [seconds from 0.5 to 120] – the maximum delay of the random delays
5. Minimum volume: [percentage] – the minimum random volume that each random delay can have. If you want no random amplitude changes, set this field to 100 percent.
6. Number of chime delays: [from 1 to 100] – how many delays within the maximum delay time.







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Chimes Delay is a special delay effect that randomly changes the pitch and volume of your audio. Each new delay adds a new pitch and volume to each note of your audio. The pitch of the delays is changed if you change the note list – for example, if you enter a note list with the pitch set to 0 (no pitch shift), all delays will be pitched up (up one octave). (The same goes for the lower and upper notes.)
The volume of the delays is changed if you change the minimum or maximum (for the combination of the note list and minimum/maximum values) with the minimum and maximum volumes set to 0 (no random changes).
The combination of the note list and the minimum and maximum makes each delay a unique pitch and volume in relation to the original audio.
The number of delays set in the Chimes Delay window controls how many steps will randomly pitch-shift the audio.
If you want Chimes Delay to apply this effect to a stereo audio file, you can use the ‚Randomize‘ button on the final delay effect to randomly pan the output to the left and right channels.
However, note that the final random delay will not be scaled to the final volume of the audio.
Chimes Delay Screenshots:

Chimes Delay Changelog:
V1.00 Added basic playback of the chimes delay effect.
V1.01 Fixed bug with voice pitch transitions if the chimes note list is +24.
V1.02 Improved chimes selection behavior.
V1.03 Fixed a bug with ‚Randomize‘ button in stereo mode.
V1.04 Fixed bug with ‚Randomize‘ button in mono mode.
V1.05 Added chimes notes not listed by default.
V1.05a Fixed bug in mono mode in not selecting only one new note for the delay.
V1.06 Fixed bug in adding Chimes Delay to an existing audio.
V1.06a Improved the selection of default voice.
V1.06b Chimes Delay now has the ability to change the pitch of the delays.
V1.06c If the original audio is mono, Chimes Delay may change the pitch only of the left channel.
V1.06c If the original audio is stereo, Chimes Delay will change the pitch of both left and right channel.
V1.06d Fixed bug with random delay volume and pitch if the Chimes Delay is applied to the original

Chimes Delay Download

Chimes Delay is a delay with a random delay each time it’s delayed. The delay can be randomly distributed in pitch over a range of semitones between minimum and maximum pitch, and also randomly distributed in volume over a percentage range between minimum and maximum volume.
This effect randomly selects a note list to do the random delays with, so if you plan to use Chimes Delay, make sure your original audio is in some kind of standard musical key. The notes in the note list you can enter into this effect’s note list are set based on this key, so if your original audio is in A (or in the key of A) and you enter that same A into the note list, you will get results like:
[G -12 F -3]
[A -12 C -3]
[B -12 G -3]
[E -12 D -3]
[F -12 A -3]

[E -12 A -3]
[E -12 G -3]
All of those actual delays will be 3 semitones apart (more if you are more specific with your notes).
You can also specify a Note List that specifically tells Chimes Delay what note to randomly use each time. This is particularly useful if you want the same note to be randomly selected each time. A default note list (specifying a key of A, C, G, D, E, F) is provided with the effect. You can replace the default note list with any note list you want. If there is not a note list for your current key, Chimes Delay will use the default note list, but you can also specify any note manually.
If the original audio is in stereo, Chimes Delay will randomly delay all channels of the audio (as long as the parameters allow) in a way that sounds best to you – left or right, high or low, panning to center, more centered, less centered – at a random audibility level, while randomly changing the pitch of each individual delay.
Custom Chime Timbre from AudioTracks:
You can assign a custom Chime Timbre to Chimes Delay. In such a case, if there is no Note List, you can specify any note manually. The timbre you specify is used for each of the Chime Delays that are used.
Example: Chimes Delay „Effect 4“ is using a Chime Timbre called „Chimes“. If this effect is in

Chimes Delay Free

1. Chimes: [on or off] – this specifies whether the random delays are chimes or not.
2. Delay time: [seconds from 0.5 to 120] – how long in seconds each random delay should take.
3. Volume: [percentage] – the amount to which you want each random delay to change the volume of the audio.
4. Pitch: [semitone percentage from -20 to +20] – the amount to which you want the pitch of each random delay to change. Can be a range of values. [Optional parameter – not all chimes allow this parameter. If not, it will default to the value in the note list. Some chimes might auto-set this parameter to the note list value if the note list has values.]
6. Chime Pattern: [on or off] – this specifies whether the chime intervals of the random delays should be: [off] [16th-note [32nd-note]] [32nd-note-16th] [triplet] [eighth] [eighth-triplet] [sixteenth] [sixteenth-eighth] [sixteenth-eighth-triplet] [quintuplet] [quintuplet-triplet] [quintuplet-eighth] [triplet] [eighth] [eighth-triplet] [sixteenth] [sixteenth-eighth] [sixteenth-eighth-triplet] [quintuplet] [quintuplet-triplet] [quintuplet-eighth] [sixteenth] [sixteenth-eighth] [sixteenth-eighth-triplet] [quintuplet-sixteenth] [triplet] [eighth] [eighth-triplet] [sixteenth] [sixteenth-eighth] [sixteenth-eighth-triplet] [quintuplet] [quintuplet-triplet] [quintuplet-eighth] [sixteenth] [sixteenth-eighth] [sixteenth-eighth-triplet] [quintuplet-sixteenth] [triplet] [eighth] [eighth-triplet] [sixteenth] [sixteenth-eighth] [sixteenth-eighth-triplet] [quintuplet-triplet] [quintuplet-eighth] [sixteenth] [

What’s New in the Chimes Delay?

The Chimes Delay plugin’s main purpose is to randomly change the pitch of a note that has a random delay between 10 and 120 seconds.
Affected audio:
If you want to use the plugin, just import an audio file into Audacity. This plugin will add its random delay to the audio you have loaded.
Note: If you want Chimes Delay to change the pitch of your audio, your audio file may have to be in a major scale (or something similar to it), since this plugin uses the major and minor scale of your audio’s pitch to create its random delays. (For example, say your original audio’s pitch is C3, so it’s major scale will be C-E-G-C. If you wish to apply pitch changes, simply choose one of these five major scale notes in the Chimes Delay list, enter a matching minor scale number (0-9 or 10-99) for the minimum/maximum pitch for each of the random delays (which will be used if the above major scale note is chosen), and enter a matching semitone range (-5 to +5 or -12 to +12) for each of the random delay amounts for that pitch. For example, if the original audio’s pitch is C3 and the following note list is entered into Chimes Delay:
Chimes Delay Note List:
Note: After you have selected a note to apply random pitch changes to, you can use the Range: minimum/maximum and Volume: percentage parameters to specify the desired minimum and maximum values for the random delays‘ pitch to occur. For example, if Chimes Delay is set to use the major scale in C-E-G-C with minor scale notes 0-1-2-3, you could enter the following in the Range: minimum/maximum parameters:
C0 C2 G2 C3
Note: You can also enter the pitch of the original audio itself (in semitones) into this parameter. If you put the pitch of your audio in both the range: minimum/maximum and pitch/octave: minimum/maximum parameters, you will randomly change the pitch of the audio in the range: minimum/maximum if the value of the Pitch/Octave: minimum/maximum parameter is the same as the value of the pitch of the audio. If you put the audio’s pitch in the pitch/octave: minimum/maximum parameter, you will randomly change the pitch of the audio in the range: minimum/maximum if the value

System Requirements For Chimes Delay:

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 2.66 GHz
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 5870
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Disk Space: 5 GB available space
Processor: Intel Core i3, i5 or i7
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti or AMD Radeon HD 69