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CICI is a very lightweight but useful command-line utility that was especially designed to provide you with a set of tools for use with Codeigniter.
This tiny application can create a controller, a model or a MVC (Model, View and Controller) from database.


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Codeigniter Command Line Interface is a PHP command line utility for use with CodeIgniter.

Command Line Interface (CLI) is an application that allows you to interact with your system via a command-line interface, usually achieved through your web browser or any other text-based web browser.
So, you can enter all your commands (sending files, folders, directories, etc.) in the web browser itself.
The creators of CodeIgniter are constantly updating the source code of the CodeIgniter Framework.

Hello and welcome to CICI – Codeigniter Command Line Interface!

CICI (CodeIgniter CLI) is a very lightweight but useful command-line utility that was especially designed to provide you with a set of tools for use with CodeIgniter.
This tiny application can create a controller, a model or a MVC (Model, View and Controller) from database.
CICI Description:

Codeigniter Command Line Interface is a PHP command line utility for use with CodeIgniter.

Command Line Interface (CLI) is an application that allows you to interact with your system via a command-line interface, usually achieved through your web browser or any other text-based web browser.
So, you can enter all your commands (sending files, folders, directories, etc.) in the web browser itself.
The creators of CodeIgniter are constantly updating the source code of the CodeIgniter Framework.

Hello and welcome to CICI – Codeigniter Command Line Interface!

CodeIgniter Command Line Interface is a PHP command line utility for use with CodeIgniter.

Command Line Interface (CLI) is an application that allows you to interact with your system via a command-line interface, usually achieved through your web browser or any other text-based web browser.
So, you can enter all your commands (sending files, folders, directories, etc.) in the web browser itself.
The creators of CodeIgniter are constantly updating the source code of the CodeIgniter Framework.Q:

Should minor typos in an API Documentation web page be presented as a Code issue or as a non-issue?

Imagine an API Documentation web page with a minor typo, for example the API Documentation name of a method named getBalance instead of getBalance():

Here’s the above minor typo that I didn’t find anywhere else on the web. The obvious implementation is

CICI Crack+ [Win/Mac]

Cici – CodeIgniter Command Line Interface

Cici is a command line utility that will create a controller, model, or MVC (model, view, and controller) from your database. This is a tool made especially for CodeIgniter.
Cici command is very powerful and extensible. You can use to create controllers, models or even entire MVC applications.

You can create controllers from tables in database (i.e. password_reset, user_register)
You can create models from tables in database (i.e. user_table, post_table)
You can create a MVC (Model, View, and Controller) from tables in database (i.e. post_controller)

Cici Command Line Interface

Cici – command line utility for Codeigniter

Cici is a simple command line utility that was designed especially for Codeigniter. It allows you to create controllers, models or even entire MVC applications.

There’s no need to use any other development frameworks like CakePHP or Symfony. Once you installed Cici, you will be able to work with PHP codes without any framework.

Cici CMD Line Interface in Windows

1. Install

– Download and install „Cici.dll“ and „Cici.php“ from Cici project website.

Note: Windows users need to download from Cici website. If you come across any problems to download this, let us know by commenting below.

Install instructions for linux system can be found at Cici project website. You can find instructions to install under Linux operating system section.

2. Start the Cici

cd /home/user/Cici/
php cici.php

You will see a new window with a brief description.

3. Controller

The controller you wish to create will be available on browser as

Say you want to create a controller for a users table.

Note: 1. The name of the controller needs to be username_controller. 2. The class name of the controller will be username_controller and class will be located in the folder „UserController“ in application/controllers/ folder.

First parameter represents the table name while second parameter represents the column which we want to use for the model.


* Create model class from database (and vice versa) using the PostgreSQL native SQL dialect.
* Create controller class from database using the default mapping table name.
* Create controller class from existing model.
* Add new model and controller classes to the application.
* Create one or many models from a single database table.
* Generate SQL from given controller and model classes (for the purpose of creating a database schema from the controller and model classes).
* Generate a random PHP file for the existing controller and model classes.
* Generate the startup.php. The startup.php will do all the configuration settings and the execute the first model for the current controller (if any).
* Generate the user guide for the application.
* Execute the application configuration (for example from a environment variable, e.g. CI_ENV=local).
* Generate a random PHP file for the application.
* Execute the application. This file is app/index.php and will also execute the startup.php.
* Modify the application startup file in the application directories (app/config/config.php) to enable or disable specific features.
* Update the controller and model classes automatically when saving to the database.
* Update the configuration files automatically when saving to the database.
* Generate a customised list of available controllers (based on a controller class, or when using the concept of models).
* Generate a customised list of available models.
* Generate a customised list of available helpers.
* Supports user-defined models.
* Supports user-defined controllers (using the default Controllers/Users model file).
* You can list all the user-defined models in the application with the command line interface, e.g.:
* A simpler way is to use the command line tool. This is useful if you want to have a list of available controllers, a list of available helpers, a list of available models, etc. This is done by providing it with the –help (–help followed by an appropriate parameter) option.
* You can generate a report (in plain text or html format) for a particular controller, model or helper.
* You can update the report to any given date/time. To do this, use the –generate-report=yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) option.

What’s New in the?

CICI is a very lightweight but useful command-line utility that was
especially designed to provide you with a set of tools for use with
Codeigniter. This tiny application can create a controller, a model
or a MVC (Model, View and Controller) from database.
The generator can create controllers that work fine with Codeigniter and can also take advantage of Codeigniter’s auto-loading functionality.
What is a controller? It’s a class that contains PHP code that’s executed when a specific request is made by a web-browser.
A controller uses the following class constructors to tell Codeigniter what to do with that request:

a) Constructor : This is the most important one. It takes an array of settings parameters. Each parameter in an array can have at least one of the following features:

* string : the name of the file where you want to save the code output of your generated class
* boolean : wether or not you want to make an auto-loading class
* integer : the number of seconds to wait until the save action (a.k.a. you move your file to Codeigniter‘ model/controllers folder)
* array : a list of array or objects containing your parameters‘ values
Note that not all settings parameters‘ keys are actual parameters. For instance, you could have:
$this->ci->config->item(‚use_database‘, [‚boolean‘, true]);
This code will give you a boolean parameter with the value of the ‚use_database‘ configuration item.
When this CI module is finished (i.e. when you press Ctrl+C), your controller will be generated in the same directory where you gave the command.
If you want to create a library file instead, you will need to use the generate_library() command instead of the generate command.
The public class of your created file should have the following signature:


A controller can use only one constructor. It is also not necessary to create a constructor. We will propose you an equivalent to the constructor that you will find in a standard CI controller.
The constructor is called controller_constructor() and it takes one parameter:
$config =

The last two parameters are not mandatory. If you do not use them, the generated class will take values from the $config[‚controller‘] item and $config[‚model‘] item.
That is

System Requirements:

(1) A user-configurable network with the host OS on a physical
or virtual machine.
(2) Intel VT-x or AMD-V technology on the host OS
(3) 64-bit computing architecture for the host
(4) Virtual PC or Virtual Server 2007 running on the host
(5) One of the following operating systems on the guest
OS system: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or
Windows Vista.

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