Modem Log Analyser Crack PC/Windows

The Modem Log Analyser application was developed to be a small tool that analyzes your standard Windows Dialup modem log file, and calculates time online, cost, uploads / downloads, modem efficiency, etc., presenting you with an easy to comprehend (in contrast to the messy modem log file itself) overview of your time on the Internet.
Before you can even use the modem log analyser, you must create a modem log file! NOTE: This will only work if you’re using the standard Windows Dialup to connect to the Internet. If you use any other program, it may have its own logging feature which will be wholly incompatible with MLA.
Follow these instructions to set up the log file:
1. You require that log file recording be switched ON. To do this, first find a file called „Scripter.exe“ (or just „Scripter“ if visible file-extensions is turned off) – probably in your „Windows“ directory. If not, don’t panic, just use the Windows „Find“ utility (in the start menu) to track the file down.
2. Run the Scripter. Click „Properties“, the „Configure“, then the „Connection“ tab, and finally „Advanced“! Then simply tick the „Record a log file“ box (if it’s already ticked, you’ve just wasted the past half-hour. Click all the „OK“s to exit.
3. Don’t bother looking for it yet, you still have to connect to the ’net to start logging. Be careful when logging off too – don’t carelessly turn your modem straight off by the switch – click „Disconnect“, or it might not log properly.
4. Now go to your Windows directory (e.g. C:\Windows) and your newly conceived log should be there under the name „ModemLog.txt“ (if not, try that „Find“ program again). May as well take a look at it (with NotePad, or any other plain text editor), prove to yourself that you can’t make much of that gibberish, without MLA’s help! It will match the basic layout in Figure 2 – the lines „Dialing.“, „Hanging up the modem.“, and „Session Statistics:“ being the keys here.
5. Time to let MLA do its stuff now! Wait, don’t forget to fill out the initialization file (mla.ini), which must be in the same directory as MLA. Open it with your text editor and make sure all the details are correct.


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Modem Log Analyser For Windows


Trial version for quick testing.

Compatible with Windows 98/XP/NT/2000/ME

Modem Log Analyser uses Modem API (Microsoft’s modem control program). This is an unmanaged API, that means it doesn’t register (or install) itself with Windows and so can be used without the need for user registration, which would make it difficult to automate installation.

I think it’s just a minor lack of faith on my part, but I know that Microsoft’s website has some FAQ entries describing this, and I can’t remember where I came across them (you can’t count ‚em all, LOL).
If, however, there is a way to get over that tiny issue, please feel free to use these instructions from the FAQ:

How do I update MLA?
If you have installed MLA once, you do not have to reinstall it. Instead, run the uninstaller.exe file associated with this program and all files related to it.
If you want to update MLA from a different installation, delete the installation folder and run the installer again.

Running a report
If you run „mla.exe“ and press enter, a window should appear, asking you to enter the log file name. If it’s not working, you may need to „Run as Administrator“ for the program.
If you have multiple files stored under the current directory (e.g. C:\Users\jap\Desktop\logs\ModemLog.txt, C:\Users\jap\Desktop\logs\ModemLog2.txt, etc.), make sure to change the line in the initialization file:

LogFile = @%MyPath%


LogFile = @%MyPath%\ModemLog.txt


LogFile = @%MyPath%\ModemLog2.txt

If the program doesn’t find a log file with the name you entered, it will use the log in the folder you’re running in as a template (by default, that’s C:\). It will then try to locate the log with other names in the same folder.

How to get a call out
By default, the line

LineNum = %CallNumber%

is displayed. You can change this to „No call out“ if you don’t want this information. You must select

Modem Log Analyser Crack With License Key Free

The Modem Log Analyser application was developed to be a small tool that analyzes your standard Windows Dialup modem log file, and calculates time online, cost, uploads / downloads, modem efficiency, etc., presenting you with an easy to comprehend (in contrast to the messy modem log file itself) overview of your time on the Internet.
1. You require that log file recording be switched ON. To do this, first find a file called „Scripter.exe“ (or just „Scripter“ if visible file-extensions is turned off) – probably in your „Windows“ directory. If not, don’t panic, just use the Windows „Find“ utility (in the start menu) to track the file down.
2. Run the Scripter. Click „Properties“, the „Configure“, then the „Connection“ tab, and finally „Advanced“! Then simply tick the „Record a log file“ box (if it’s already ticked, you’ve just wasted the past half-hour. Click all the „OK“s to exit.
3. Don’t bother looking for it yet, you still have to connect to the ’net to start logging. Be careful when logging off too – don’t carelessly turn your modem straight off by the switch – click „Disconnect“, or it might not log properly.
4. Now go to your Windows directory (e.g. C:\Windows) and your newly conceived log should be there under the name „ModemLog.txt“ (if not, try that „Find“ program again). May as well take a look at it (with NotePad, or any other plain text editor), prove to yourself that you can’t make much of that gibberish, without MLA’s help! It will match the basic layout in Figure 2 – the lines „Dialing.“, „Hanging up the modem.“, and „Session Statistics:“ being the keys here.
5. Time to let MLA do its stuff now! Wait, don’t forget to fill out the initialization file (mla.ini), which must be in the same directory as MLA. Open it with your text editor and make sure all the details are correct.

Now for a more advanced tutorial on setting up and using MLA:

Modem Log Analyser Crack Free For Windows Latest

6. Now MLA is ready to use! Just click „Analysis“!
7. You should see the window in Figure 1. Don’t bother clicking anything yet, just wait. In a few seconds, if MLA is set up correctly, you’ll see a splash screen and the log analyser window will appear! The data in MLA is stored in two separate files: One called „timeslots.txt“, which summarises the time that users were on-line (for transferring data – e.g. You); and one called „histogram.txt“, which summarises the amount of bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that was transferred (e.g. You).
8. Click the „Quick“ option, and you’ll see the time based information in the top panel, and the bandwidth in the bottom one.
9. Now you can decide where to start digging for details. You have 4 parameters you can use to break down the information:
a. „Peak Time“ – this allows you to see if there’s a connection from that particular IP (the current computer/USB modem), and if so, it will give you a peak time.
b. „Avg Time“ – this will show you how long the modem spent on the phone. Useful if you need to compare modem performance over time.
c. „Total Time“ – this will show you the total time spent on the phone during a day. I’ll explain how to use this later.
d. „Total Peak Time“ – this is useful if you’re feeling angry! You’ll see the peak times (in minutes and seconds) of the day.
10. Now it’s time to explore the more detailed information. Click on the „Details“ button to expand the next pane. Now you can explore all those numbers and see exactly what those red and green areas represent!
Where You Can Save Your Time:
11. Now that you’ve got all the information MLA gives you, you can save some time by browsing through your data yourself and finding out if there are any areas which, for instance, you could be using more efficiently, or if there are any inexplicable spikes in any of the graphs.
You can do this in a few ways:
a. One easy way is to use the Compare function. After clicking on the „Compare“ button (the last button in the toolbar) the next pane will open, with two columns – „Time“, and „Delta“. It’s as simple as that

What’s New in the?

1. „Name“ – what you want MLA to be called
2. „ModemLog“: some file name you have made up for the log file
3. „ModemLogBuf“: this is a buffer – keep that to a minimum
4. „lhs“: and „rhs“ – these are the file names of the left and right hand sides
5. „LeftHandSideAddress“: if there is a range – this is the beginning address
6. „EndAddress“: this is the final destination address in case of a range – if not, this is the last address
7. „NetworkAddress“: „Pointer“ – left hand side address is a pointer!
8. „FileName“: The file name of the log file – must be set before it is made.
9. „LogPointSize“: don’t change this, you might need to set „FileName“.
10. „LogPointEnvelopeSize“: this is the size of the log envelope. Don’t change this.
11. „LogPointEnvelope“: the log envelope – the printout on the yellow paper.
12. „RolloverLog“: if true, and log file fills up, it will rollover to the next log file. If false, the log file is filled up and any further entries are discarded
13. „LogMaxLineLength“: Defaults to 250
14. „LogMaxLength“: Maximum number of bytes that can be logged in a line
15. „LogLineModulator“: Don’t change this.
16. „LogLineModulateDelay“: Don’t change this.
17. „CreateLine“: This is how often to create new lines – Default is 1000
18. „CreateLineCount“: Number of lines to be created – be careful, this is the second number for the line count
19. „LogPointDelay“: Don’t change this.
20. „Delay“: Time-delay in seconds between the log point and the rollover point. Default is 5 seconds.
21. „LineDelay“: Time-delay in seconds between the end of the line and the rollover of the next log file.
22. „LogPointSize“: Print the log point size. This is used to create the printout on yellow paper
23. „ExtraSize“: Space to be added before the log point. Don’t change this.
24. „ExtraDelay“: Time-

System Requirements For Modem Log Analyser:

– Minimum Windows 7 (64-bit operating system)
– OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (64-bit operating system) OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (64-bit operating system)
– Minimum:
– RAM: 512 MB
– GPU: DirectX 9.0c compatible
– CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz or higher
– Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz or higher
– Hard Disk: Approximately 5 GB