Portable Freebyte Crack Free License Key Free Download X64 (2022)







Portable Freebyte Crack + Activation Code With Keygen Download [April-2022]

If you’re the sort of person who likes to zip files and archives…
You’re probably doing it wrong.
Here’s the free download of Freebyte Portable for Windows.
Follow the installation instructions and you’ll have almost everything you need to zip and unzip files and folders at a zip and unzip! You’ll have so much free freebyte software!
Freebyte Portable – a free and powerful zip/unzip program and file manager for the Windows operating system that allows you to…
Create, Edit, Protect, Compress, and Extract ZIP files.
View, Change, and Extract Self-extracting ZIP files.
Create and edit password protected and encrypted ZIP files.
Creating self-extracting ZIP archives is a snap!
Automatically manage the compressed files with its wizard based user interface.
View, edit and change the contents of the files compressed in a zip archive.
Delete selected files from a zip archive.
Edit or create the file names of the entries and files in a zip archive.
Add/delete/move/compress/extract/open password protected and encrypted ZIP files.
Edit the password of the encrypted ZIP files.
Edit properties of the files in a ZIP file.
View and change the properties of the files in a ZIP archive.
Create zip files containing multiple subfolders and files.
Create zip files containing multiple files from specified folders.
Create zip files containing multiple files of specified extensions.
Create zip files containing multiple files of specified contents.
Create zip files containing multiple subfolders and files, even on FAT systems.
Create self-extracting ZIP archives.
Create self-extracting ZIP archives with long and short filenames and no path information.
View the contents of the files in a ZIP file.
Select a file in a ZIP file.
Create a self-extracting ZIP archive, or edit and change the properties of a self-extracting ZIP archive.
Edit the properties of the files in a self-extracting ZIP archive.
View the contents of the files in a self-extracting ZIP archive.
Create and edit password protected and encrypted ZIP archives.
Extract the files contained in a zip archive.
Extract the files contained in a zip archive into specified folder(s).
Extract the files contained in a zip archive to the desktop.
Create a self

Portable Freebyte Crack+ Free 2022

Portable Freebyte is a command-line/DOS interface for Windows.
It features simple and powerful commands.
The program will let you choose between a friendly Windows interface or a simple command line.
The command-line interface has 20 commands (most features can be executed via the shorter, quicker Windows interface).
Short Description:
– It allows you to create, change, protect and extract zip files (support for self-extracting archives is also included).
– Zip file entries can be password protected and encrypted.
– Zip and self-extracting archives can also be password protected.
– You can add files with relative or absolute path information.
– Compression level can be specified.
– File attributes and file dates are preserved during zip/unzip operations.
– You can choose to include path information in the zip entry name.
– You can choose to extract the zip entries with or without path information.
– Recurse subdirectories is optional.
– There are extensive command line options.
– The program is portable (works on all Windows operating systems).
– You can choose to abort the compression and extraction process before all files have been compressed or all files have been extracted.
– The program will let you choose which windows interface you want to use.
– The program is freeware!
Long Description:
Portable Freebyte is a command-line/DOS interface for Windows (requires a command prompt window).
You can use it to create, change, protect and extract zip files (support for self-extracting archives is also included).
Zip and self-extracting archives can also be password protected.
You can add files with relative or absolute path information.
You can choose to include path information in the zip entry name.
You can choose to extract the zip entries with or without path information.
There are extensive command line options available.
The program is freeware!
You can choose between using an advanced Windows interface and the command-line interface.
You can choose between having a progressbar display during compression and extraction, or not having this display.
You can easily choose to abort the compression and extraction process when you want to.
You can choose to extract a zip file and all the subfolders within it.
The name of the subfolder is automatically added to the zip archive.
The name of the subfolder can be changed.
The subfolder can be extracted too.

Portable Freebyte Crack+ Free License Key Free

You can zip and unzip files, create ZIP archives, password protect files, view sort and encrypt zip file contents, and also make self.extracting archives.
Here are some key features of „Portable Freebyte“:
■ Easy Windows user interface
■ Open, create, change, protect, encrypt, sort and view zip files
■ Powerful command-line/DOS interface (please see below)
■ View or execute files directly from inside the zip archive
■ Create self-extracting archives
■ Add and remove files directly to/from zip and self-extracting archives
■ Extract files with or without path information
■ Add files with relative or absolute path information, or without any path information.
■ Recurse subdirectories (optional)
■ Zip entries can be password protected and encrypted
■ File attributes and file dates are preserved during zip/unzip operations
■ Specify the compression level when adding files
■ File size, compression ratio and MD5 hash of the uncompressed file are displayed for each entry.
■ Progressbar display during file extraction and compression
■ The compression and extraction process can be aborted
■ Compression and extraction settings are saved between sessions
■ Compression and extraction folders are saved between sessions
■ Statusbar display of total size of zip-file in Kbytes
■ Statusbar display of total number of items in zip-file
What’s new in Portable Freebyte 4:
New GUI Version, new DOS/Command line, New Windows Version.
What’s new in Portable Freebyte 3.8:
Portable Freebyte GUI / DOS improves, ability to change dates, new way to use passwords, new way to extract files, self-extracting archives improvements.
If you have problems with the zip files please contact me at vincent.coppens@eskimo.com
You may be able to use the help file without it but it is there for the major functions only.
There is a detailed and rather technical info file for more advanced users or if you just can’t figure out how to use it.
Have a look in the Help window when using Portable Freebyte.
There are a lot of small features I will not list here but they are described on the above-

What’s New in the Portable Freebyte?

Portable Freebyte is a free, cross-platform, self-extracting archive manager for MS Windows, Linux and BSD. Portable Freebyte is an independent single-project with good code quality and at the moment about 2200 lines of code. Portable Freebyte is written in C# and uses free standards like.Net Framework and GNU libzip/libextract. The source code for Portable Freebyte is available from its development page ( The project page also provides an e-mail address for questions.
■ Install Free Byte Freebyte Zip requires the installation of Freebyte and the standard tools for zip/unzip/freebyte files/directories operations.
■ Button: Open „Portable Freebyte“
■ Icon: View icon
■ Menu: View, Open, Create
■ Toolbar: Tools, View, Help, Exit
■ Window: Some of the buttons have been moved to the bottom of the window
■ Menu Options: View, Open, Create, Remove, Protect, Encrypt, Extract, Properties, Options
■ Folder Options: View, Open, Create, Remove, Properties, Options, Tab Order
■ Folders: The selected folder will be the current folder
■ Statusbar: The file size is displayed in kbytes, the number of items is displayed in the status bar and an icon of the file type of the file is shown in the status bar.
■ Progressbar: The progressbar shows the current progress of the operation in percentage or in kbytes/s.
■ File help: The selected file will be opened in the file help screen with most often used commands and the file type of the file can be displayed in the file help.
■ Options: Zipping and unzipping settings can be set directly or the current options can be saved to a configuration file.
■ Date and time: The date and time can be set directly or the current date and time can be saved to a configuration file.
■ Add/Remove/Replace: Items can be added, removed or replaced to or from the currently selected archive, folder or file.
■ Tools: 3 different commands for advanced operations, like viewing, modifying and extracting the contents of the currently selected file or folder.
■ Bookmarks

System Requirements For Portable Freebyte:

Windows XP – SP2 or Windows 7 – SP1
– SP2 or Windows 7 – SP1 512MB of RAM
512MB of RAM 12.0GB of available space
14.5GB of available space (51.5GB uncompressed; 19.8GB compressed)
Video Driver Requirements:
Windows XP – Direct3D 9
Direct3D 9 Windows 7 – Direct3D 10
Direct3D 10
How to Install:
Download nVidia driver version 319.35
