SEncrypt Crack Free Download

SEncrypt is an application that you can use in order to encrypt or decrypt files and text and you can also use it for permanent file deletion.
It also offers  permanent file deletion, for those who require high-level security implementation.
SEncrypt is a simple, user-friendly application which enables you to distribute high-level encrypted files or text, safely, to any recipient, or for even storing the encrypted files locally to your Personal Computer.
In order for a file or text, encrypted with SEncrypt, to be decrypted, SEncrypt must be available on the Personal Computer where the file or text will be decrypted and in addition, the user must be familiar with the password given during the file or text encryption.









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SEncrypt is developed by a Swiss developer who is seeking support to continue the development of this easy to use application.

An anonymous person working as a volunteer has kindly provided SEncrypt for the GNU/Linux operating system for free.

SEncrypt 5.0.0 is a general purpose application using a free, multiplatform, cross-platform foundation.

SEncrypt 5.0.0 is developed to help users who wish to store some files on their Personal Computer that they may or may not want others to see or read.

SEncrypt 5.0.0 is a tool which allows users to encrypt files, text, etc. and which is also useful when the user is required to securely delete files or to permanently delete files from their Personal Computer.

How to use SEncrypt (GUI mode)

Download and install SEncrypt. SEncrypt can be downloaded from one of the following websites.

When you first download SEncrypt from one of the above locations the installer file is an Archive which you can extract using the Archive Manager.

If you have already downloaded SEncrypt from the websites above, then, after extracting the Archive file you should find a folder named „SEncrypt“ inside the folder named „se-encrypt“.

Go to the folder named „SEncrypt“ and open the folder „SEncrypt – Preferences“ and open the folder „SEncrypt – Preferences – Preferences“.

Double-click on the file named „SEncrypt – Preferences“ and the file will open.

Inside the file you will find a menu which will enable you to customize SEncrypt.

Create a new user. Name this new user for example „Alice“

In the file titled „SEncrypt – Preferences – Preferences“ there will be a menu named „Preferences“.

In this

SEncrypt Keygen Full Version PC/Windows

SEncrypt is a simple, user-friendly application which enables you to encrypt/decrypt files and text and it also provides you with the ability to permanently delete files.
Key Features:
– Encrypting/Decrypting files and text
– Supports AES, DES and Triple DES Algorithms.
– Password protection
– Save the encrypted files in Text or Binary format
– Process files by cutting and recomposing the large files into smaller files for the purpose of having a smaller amount of files, when sending.
– Erase files as an option
– The tool uses a simple easy to follow wizard.
– SEncrypt is a freeware tool that does not have any optional components.
– SEncrypt is a very light weight application, with minimal resources, and it is not a resource hogging application.
– A simple user friendly interface with only one window, no menus.
– Thorough manuals with questions and answers and many graphics.
– The program can use a password in order to encrypt or decrypt files in your local drive.
– Simple to learn and easy to use.
– Supports all versions of Windows and of Mac OS X.
– SEncrypt works on a large number of editions of Microsoft Windows, MAC OS X and Linux.
– Only requires the program and Microsoft’s C runtime and Crypt32.dll library in order to work.
– Does not require a complex installation process
– No extra components are required
– No startup wizard or anything
– The entire program is packaged with the tool and you do not have to install anything.
– Provides the full version in the entire package with no extra programs to install on your Personal Computer.
– Does not require a third party anti-virus program
– Very light weight and lightweight applications take up only a few kilobytes of RAM
– SEncrypt is compatible with Macs and PCs.
– It does not require special hidden files.
– You can use files to delete permanently.
– SEncrypt is easy to use.
– SEncrypt is not a serial program.
– It does not require external programs or any third party programs to be used to work and to encrypt/decrypt.
– It is a single file application.
– The size of the application is about 1000 kilobytes.
– Can also be used to wipe files from your local drive.
– In order to delete files permanently, you must enter

SEncrypt Crack

SEncrypt is not a system or process, it simply means that the encrypted file or text is simply encrypted locally, with your personal encryption key.
SEncrypt is a new technology that you can use in order to keep personal, confidential, any type of information, keyed, encrypted, locally, for viewing when using your PC, mobile device, or even be safe using a laptop (via a USB cable).
SEncrypt is a great option to use in order to encrypt or decrypt, for files, documents, contact details, spreadsheets, text messages, anything you like.
SEncrypt uses modern encryption algorithms that encrypt the file and then stores its encryption key somewhere internal to the system, in a secure place that is known only to the SEncrypt application.
SEncrypt also supports 25+ languages, and is available for Android, iOS, Mac OS, Windows and Linux.
– What’s New:
Version 0.1.0
– Fixed: fixed bug of saving data to mobile devices.
– Updated: For SEncrypt Mac version.
Version 0.0.1
– Initial release.
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What’s New
This update brings new features and bug fixes.
Thank you for using DEXON.
This application has been tested on Mac OS X 10.13 and above
Thanks again for using my app.
If you have questions or feedback feel free to email me at:
What’s new:
Bug fix!
Version 0.0.2
– Fixed: bug with scrolling list.
– Updated: for mac OS 10.12
– Updated: for mac OS 10.13
– Updated: for mac OS 10.14
– Updated: for mac OS 10.15
– Updated: for mac OS 10.16
– Updated: for mac OS 10.17
What’s new:
*** Upgrade to 0.3.0 ***
Version 0.3.0
– Added: new feature – Drag & Drop
– Added: drag list and action bar
– Added: drag list and action bar to desktop folder
– Updated: from V 0.2.0 to V 0.3.0
– Fixed: bug with scroll list
– Fixed: issue with deleting of files and folders
– Fixed: issue with clicking action bar on desktop folder
If you like to have any update for this version

What’s New In SEncrypt?

SEncrypt is an easy-to-use application with a friendly user interface which enables you to create a high-level encrypted file and text.
SEncrypt is a powerful, free and easy to use file encryption program which can be used to encrypt and decrypt files, as well as to send encrypted files by email.
SEncrypt performs a very fast data encryption with a combination of RSA and AES encryption algorithms.
SEncrypt can be used to encrypt or decrypt files, folders, text files, and for sending them by email.

SEncrypt has been created as an easy-to-use software and includes a user friendly interface.
SEncrypt is free and always available to anyone, and you are encouraged to use it.
SEncrypt uses strong encryption algorithms such as RSA and AES.
SEncrypt is compatible with all latest operating systems such as Microsoft Windows 2000, 98, XP, Server 2000, Server 2003, Server 2008, Vista, Server 2008 R2.
SEncrypt has many features and it includes:
• Antivirus Protection to protect you from viruses.
• Protect for deletion and also recovers deleted files.
• Protects from virus and spyware attack.
• Protects from rooted-files.
• Protects from your system partition.
• Protects from external files.
• Protects you from unwanted review.
• Protects from network access.
• Protects from external read.
• Protection from internal noise.
• Protect from illegal monitoring.
• Protect from internal process.
• Protect from imaging.
• Protects from malicious network activity.
• Password recovery.
• Encryption and decryption of files.
• Encryption and decryption of text files.
• Import from and export to encrypted file.
• Download files with their encryption.
• Recover text files and store them in the clipboard.
• Configure security level for data, files, and folders.
• Define password for SEncrypt to access and the minimum and maximum time to remember the password.
• Store user-defined list of PGP/GPG public keys.
• Define existing and non-existing PGP/GPG public keys.
• Convert the metadata of the files to the standard.
• Define the selection of the file formats for the data.
• Use the files encryption for their files encryption.
• Inbuilt data encryption for the files encryption.

System Requirements For SEncrypt:

OS: Windows 10 (64-bit only), Windows 8.1 (64-bit only), Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit only), Windows 8 (64-bit only), Windows Vista (64-bit only)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, Intel Core 2 Duo T6600, Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core K8, AMD Athlon X2 5600+, AMD Phenom II X4, AMD