SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Crack


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SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Crack With Keygen Download For PC

– The application collects and stores event log files generated by the service.
– You can view the content of the file in a tree-view, as well as sort and filter events using the query interface.
– The application analyzes the errors and presents its findings in form of a list or a tree, and you can also create custom reports to view information about files, queries and messages.
– Processes can be used to create a triggered action to be executed when a scenario occurs.
– SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Crack For Windows includes a repository where you can store and manage analysis rules. You can create and edit rules using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
– You can add custom analysis rules that will be applied to the system components, or use external rules from web sites, a desktop application or other software that can generate a SharePoint log file.

What’s New in this Release :- Windows support- Updated the components to up to date of the Windows Operating system. Bug fixes.

Major bugs fixed in version are:

– SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Product Key Stoped Working When the IIS is Stopped (KB2601405). Solution: Uninstall SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer with the help of Installed Programs menu and reinstall it.
– SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Incompatible With File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service (KB2645888). Solution: Close the FTP Service, open the control panel and go to Task and or Pinpoint snap-in, uninstall SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer.
– When the Query of List is Canceled (and the GUID of View returned is not null), then the previous Query Operation of the list was performed even if the GUID of the query was null. (KB2157139). Solution: In the previous versions of ULS Log Analyzer, the Query ID of the query did not match with the GUID returned by the view. Now the Query ID matches the GUID returned by the View.
– The tree view does not display the View Name (KB2156185). Solution: In the previous versions of the ULS Log Analyzer, the name of the view is the one, which is in column „Name“. Now the tree view displays the Name of the View, which is in column „DisplayName“. So, rename the view with changing the column „DisplayName“.
– The Name of the tree node ViewError (KB

SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Crack+ Free License Key [Updated-2022]

SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer will give you a detailed analysis of SharePoint Health Services and ULS error logs captured. This allows you to quickly identify and resolve SharePoint log related problems including:-
– ULS Faults
– ULS SQL errors
– ULS services
– SharePoint Job/Processing errors
– SharePoint websites errors

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SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer

The SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer is a powerful add-on that allows users to view and generate detailed logs created by the SharePoint Central Administration. This monitoring solution comes with powerful features, allowing you to monitor a great number of events, and it’s designed to help you to identify potential issues and problems, even on enterprise level environments.
The great thing is that SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer have been also optimized and improved to integrate with Microsoft’s SQL Server. The ULA application now support Microsoft’s SQL Server and make use of SQL Server database to provide log analysis, events/errors mapping and categorization.
SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Specifications:
OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012 R2
Vendor: Microsoft
Product Name: SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer
License Key: Use at Your Own Risk
Size: 6.7 MB

Excellent Application. I received the following message: “Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”. I am unable to find a way to get it to work. Please assist.

Comment by: Andrii Nemirovskii (2010/03/26)Rating:


Comment by: Victor (2010/02/20)Rating:

Nice job, but I’m missing 5 action buttons on toolbar.

Comment by: (2010/01/30)Rating:

Nice tool, but I’ve got couple of problems.

1. One of my users have decided to change his password and he was unlucky cause he changed it on a mobile device (iphone) and he forgot the smartphone (he usually uses smartphone to login into application). Now he cannot use the app to find error or any other issue.

2. Another problem that I have – can only use the tool in debug mode – when I start the app, I get a window with error (see bellow) and I am unable to run it at all.

unhandled exception System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(S

What’s New in the SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer?

• ULA is a SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer, which provides users with a very smart and user-friendly SharePoint ULS Log analyzer application.
• It provides a simple and user-friendly approach alongside enabling you to quickly and easily create your very own analysis rule arsenal before adding them to its available repository.
• You can access and manage the available analysis rule and then create them very easily and quickly (after running the ULAPostInstall.exe).
• New analysis rules can be added by directly uploading the analyzer rules files to ULA’s file location.
• ULA contains a sophisticated error manager which can be configured in order to generate intelligent analysis results.
• In addition, ULA allows you to customize its own dialog with predefined analysis rules and the ability to create your own analysis rules set without the need to understand the SharePoint ULS.
• ULA is a very convenient and user-friendly tool for analyzing SharePoint ULS logs and managing the available ULS report rules.
• ULA uses the „Rule-based Matching“ approach to accurately match the details captured within the SharePoint log and its corresponding rules located in the ULA repository.
• ULA also leverages the Microsoft.NET framework to allow for the intelligent processing of the SharePoint ULS log.
• Additionally, ULA can be configured to output the log content to any of its storage locations.
• ULA contains a very intelligent and user-friendly approach that helps you analyze and quickly fix log-based issues.
What’s new

Version 1.1:
• Added a new feature called „Analyze and show message details“
• Added a lot of improvements and bug fixes
• Enabled analysis of the SharePoint ULS Logs captured from SharePoint 2016 as well
• Fixed a lot of bugs and other issues

SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer Features:
• ULA is a SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer, which provides users with a very smart and user-friendly SharePoint ULS Log analyzer application.
• It provides a simple and user-friendly approach alongside enabling you to quickly and easily create your very own analysis rule arsenal before adding them to its available repository.
• You can access and manage the available analysis rule and then create them very easily and quickly (after running the ULAPostInstall.exe).
• New analysis rules can be added by directly uploading the analyzer

System Requirements For SharePoint ULS Log Analyzer:

-Windows 7/8.1/10 32bit/64bit/Windows Server 2012
-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
-24 GB RAM
-30 GB available space
-An internet connection is required
-WebGL 2.0
-OpenGL 4.3 or OpenGL ES 3.2 (On MacOS and Linux)
-If you don’t have one of these hardware you can use the free OpenAI Gym
-3D Renderer (DirectX) Supported (no