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AirBox Playout is a channel playout software. It can monitor video display terminals and supervise playback of .
airbox playout free download
AirBox Playout is a channel playout software. It can monitor video display terminals and supervise playback of .

AirBox Neo

Cable/ Satelite Playout Software

AirBox Playout
Greetings, we are glad to present to you AirBox playout software. It is used for automatic content playback monitor. Download AirBox now to enjoy those awesome features.

“AirBox Playout” is the best and most complete and fastest Automated multiple channel Satellite/Cable/ OTA content playlist at the same time. It helps to Playout from almost all file or format.


Automatically detects all your devices and plays your content from all your devices.
Supports Multiple channels, including channel#/stations# and channel/#station#/stations#.

Automatically plays your content on schedule intervals.
You can schedule the channel, time of day, and add backchannel.
You can customise the parameters according to your needs.


Category:Software for television
Category:Video software a proper close….


So let’s look at your exception….
[CrossCoreException (0x8011002d)]
System.OutOfMemoryException: Cannot allocate memory – one of the arguments is a copy of the null string.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowOutOfMemoryException()
at System.String.Clone()
at Neo.Core.Resources.CSV.CSVReader.GetFirstRecordAsList(Int32 expectedRowCount)
at Neo.Core.Resources.CSV.CSVReader..ctor(String filename)

So the problem is you’re trying to read the file using a loop. That’s obviously going to exhaust some amount of memory.
There’s some real down and dirty code available on the net that does this, and it relies on string.Empty to indicate the end of the file. But string.Empty is a static member of the String class, so it’ll just create the same instance over and over. Which will likely cause a bit of thrashing as the string is released and re-allocated to the same instance.
If you really want to get a stack trace, try this: