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Bertolasi Cardiologia 2000 12.pdf.
Bertolasi Cardiologia 2000 12.pdf.
Bertolasi Cardiologia 2000 12.pdf.
Bertolasi Cardiologia 2000 12.pdf.
Bertolasi Cardiologia 2000 12.pdf.
Bertolasi Cardiologia 2000 12.pdf.
Bertolasi Cardiologia 2000 12.


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(2020)  January 2020. Journal of American College of Cardiology.

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How do I copy a large folder of Xcode projects from one Mac to another Mac using Terminal?

If I right click on the Xcode project file and select „Show in Finder“ I can see that it contains a folder with files for each project and subfolders for each of the projects.
I would like to copy this entire folder structure to another Mac using Terminal.


First, copy the Xcode project folder to a location outside of Xcode, as Xcode may delete the project folder if you have two projects open:
cp -R /path/to/project/folder /path/to/new/folder

Next, use this to copy the project folder to the new location:
xattr -rd /path/to/new/folder

If you want to copy a single project to a new location, replace the path with that of the project.
If you also want to copy any scheme files, run this:
for f in */*; do
xattr -rd „$f“

The xattr command is used to examine and modify attributes of files and directories in the file system. You can use the -rd switch to remove the resource attribute from the files and directories, allowing them to be copied to the new location.
I used Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Xcode 4.2.1. For more information about xattr, you can use this command:
man xattr