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Destrua este diario pdfDonald Trump just needs to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a better system, an opinion writer tells the L.A. Times.

In a recent article, Eric Hananel of the conservative-leaning Media Research Center said Trump’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with his own healthcare plan is not that different from former Sen. Rick Santorum’s plan.

The main difference is that Trump is „no push-over when it comes to voters,“ Hananel said. „He’s politically savvy and understands his base. He hasn’t deviated from his plan.“

„The average Republican voter has seen this before, and they’re probably going to support him,“ Hananel said. „A significant number of voters would probably be willing to give this [Trump plan] a try, and the rest will eventually see it for what it is: a good, conservative alternative that conservatives can support.“

Santorum tried „to get people fired up and really blow the roof off the room“ when he shared his plan for healthcare reform, Hananel said.

„He didn’t just say, ‚I’m going to repeal and replace Obamacare,‘ he said, ‚but I’m going to do it my way.'“

Related: Behind Trump’s talk of’repealing and replacing‘ Obamacare

Hananel told the L.A. Times he’s not sure there is a danger Trump’s health care plan will go any further than the other plans, but that „there’s a risk it’s not conservative enough.“

„That’s always a risk. The problem is that he really hasn’t demonstrated that he’s a conservative who’s in line with our principles. He’s not. I don’t think he ever has. His principles are the complete opposite.“

„If he was true to conservative principles, he would support affordable and accessible healthcare options for all, and he wouldn’t want to repeal Obamacare before replacing it with a conservative plan,“ Hananel said.

„This is what’s worrying us in the conservative movement,“ he added.

Also read: Trump says a lack of success in healthcare may force him to accept ‚


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