Siberian Mouses 1st Studio Mm 27


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Is this the case?
for(i=0; iUsing strategic channel planning, the team at Destination Youth have identified three main challenges: 1) managing the channel pipeline to ensure it’s at capacity; 2) creating an on-the-ground footprint that can support direct marketers; and 3) standing up a demand generation engine to help manage the channel pipeline.

1. Managing the channel pipeline to ensure it’s at capacity

Destination Youth delivers its programs in a nontraditional space: resorts, rather than hotels, for four weeks at a time, rather than summer camp for the entire year. This means that its existing supply chain capacity is limited, and it must manage its supply chain with an eye on hitting pre-determined demand targets that are driven from the manager of the program.

This means that the team has to be mindful of its goals for the year, and therefore has to be strategic about where it sends people. Having the right teams in place and the right programs activated makes them more likely to want to come back to participate.

And this doesn’t take away from the fact that there’s a large number of high-quality vendors in the retail space that are looking to sell to these organizations. These retailers frequently recommend a rep can attend an AM event to get buyers more engaged, and work with the rep to build out the set of solutions that the rep can bring to the table. This creates a virtuous cycle of buying into the program, recommending vendors that are the ‘best fit’, and driving more demand for vendors.

2. Creating an on-the-ground footprint that can support direct marketers

A robust program allows organizations to test their positioning more effectively, and change the design of their spots if they see that the campaign isn’t


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