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Urbanization poses special challenges for poor nations, which are ill equipped to address the many problems associated with urbanization. Fertility is a special problem in this regard for two reasons. First, women in poor nations have high fertility rates. The number of urban residents in these nations will increase greatly in the years ahead as people there move to urban areas and as their populations continue to grow through natural fertility. By the early years of the twentieth century, US cities on the East Coast were almost unimaginably crowded, and their living conditions continued to be wretched for many of their residents. As Americans moved west after the Civil War and how do hackers hack instagram during the twentieth century, western cities appeared almost overnight and expanded the pace of urbanization. As the United Nations Population Fund (2007) warns, „One billion people live in urban slums, which are typically overcrowded, polluted and dangerous, and lack basic services such as clean water and sanitation.“ The rapid urbanization of poor nations will compound the many problems these nations already have, just as the rapid urbanization in the industrial world more than a century ago led to the disease and other problems discussed earlier.

Congested, overcrowded, and polluted, Mumbai has become a difficult place to live. An author who grew up in Mumbai calls his city an „urban catastrophe.“ He continued, „Bombay is the future of urban civilization on the planet. Life in the megacity of Mumbai (formerly called Bombay) in India illustrates many of the problems facing large cities in poor nations. 2. If you had your preference, would you want to live in a large city, small city or town, or rural area? Keep in mind that you will have to install the device drivers for each piece of Bluetooth hardware you want to use on your computer. Want to get experience? Allocate your resources where you can get a return. When God no longer animates the physical materials, they return to mass and matter, and the energy – it simply returns to itself. This wave of mass violence in the nation’s cities led Abraham Lincoln to lament, „Accounts of outrages committed by mobs form the everyday news of the times… Just a half-century later in 1950, the world’s urban population had doubled to 30 percent, and the number of cities over 1 million grew six times to eighty-three cities. In this book, Steffens used biting prose to attack the municipal corruption of the times in Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and other cities.

In the original articles that compose the book, he named names: He listed by name people who gave and received bribes and those who were corrupt in other ways. No wonder that some people spend their whole lives studying and learning not only individual languages, but also the influence of language on society and people! Whatever their causes be, it is common to the whole country“ (Barkan & Snowden, 2008, p. Barkan, S.