AutoCAD Crack Free License Key







AutoCAD 23.1 Crack Free Download [Win/Mac]

The original AutoCAD was a 2D CAD system. Most releases since then have included 3D capability and tools such as the ability to import and export 3D models in various formats. AutoCAD is used for creating all kinds of engineering and architectural drawings, from floor plans and elevations to concepts and concepts.

The software is available in different versions for a wide variety of operating systems, platforms and hardware. Since its release, AutoCAD has become a well-known industry standard. At its peak in the mid-1990s, more than half of all CAD users in the United States used AutoCAD for creating 2D drawings.

The history of AutoCAD

Autodesk started in the early 1970s as the “Distributed Computing Company” in San Rafael, CA, home to the world’s first CAD system. A few of the founders were also employed by the federal government. In May 1981, Autodesk was incorporated as an independent company and sold its first CAD software, AutoCAD, to 2,500 users. By 1990, Autodesk had 50,000 CAD users and over 100,000 licenses sold. Today, Autodesk is an international software company with offices in 16 countries.

Why choose AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a professional software that produces clear and accurate drawings that give you a competitive advantage. You can easily collaborate with others who have AutoCAD, including contractors and engineers. Use it to create three-dimensional (3D) drawings and models, simulate and visualize your ideas, and make a profit by licensing the software to your business. With AutoCAD, you can work faster and produce better designs.


2D and 3D views

Drafting tools that produce highly accurate drawings

AutoCAD software is available as desktop and mobile apps, giving you the flexibility you need in the field

Low or no cost license options

The latest releases offer powerful functionality for the profession

“The AutoCAD Academy has helped me become a more productive CAD user.”

– Mike Logan, Director of Design

Suite & App Versions

AutoCAD products fall into one of two major versions: AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. The first version of AutoCAD was released in December 1982, making it the first commercial CAD product to be written entirely in assembly language, and the first software

AutoCAD 23.1 Product Key Full (Updated 2022)

Autodesk AutoCAD has been used since the beginning of CAD in the late 1970s. In 1982, an Autodesk employee named Bill Gardner created AutoCAD, the first commercially viable CAD product.

AutoCAD 2010 is also called „2010 and all following versions“ (2010, 2012, 2014, etc.). These releases do not follow a traditional numbered release model. With each release, there is also a re-branded version of AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Classic, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD 2008, AutoCAD R14, AutoCAD LT 2011, etc. It does not make a difference to users which version of AutoCAD they have.


As of AutoCAD 2019, there are hundreds of features that can be added to AutoCAD. In the original AutoCAD release, these were mostly customer-specific or unregistered tools. They are now freely available to all registered users of AutoCAD as plug-ins.

Version history
AutoCAD 2002 is the first version of AutoCAD to be released for the Windows platform, with support for X-refs (environments that show the X and Y co-ordinates of the drawing). The user interface has been reworked and the number of preferences have been reduced.

AutoCAD 2004 introduces many new features such as document exchange, which enables the sharing of diagrams, and others. It was the first version of AutoCAD to support the Autodesk Exchange Apps store, allowing access to thousands of add-on applications. The new user interface is both a departure from AutoCAD 2002 and AutoCAD 2006. AutoCAD 2004 also introduced many new features including dynamic filters, dimensioning, dynamic tables, etc.

AutoCAD 2005 is a major upgrade, with many new features including support for Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Office 2008. It also improves the integration between AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. AutoCAD 2006 is the first release to include the new user interface and is available with the Autodesk Exchange Apps store. AutoCAD 2007 allows to place components on other components, or objects in components.

AutoCAD 2008 is a significant update to AutoCAD and many significant enhancements to the interface. It was the first release to support 64-bit operating systems. It supports Windows Vista and Microsoft

AutoCAD 23.1 Free License Key Free Download

Login to Autocad with your Autodesk Account.
Select your project
Open the Autocad File (.dwg)

After it’s loaded you can create a new polyline by pressing the pencil icon, or you can draw by selecting the drawing area.

You will need to update the polyline after each change, by selecting update or save.

The polyline can be edited using the circle tools, the node tools, the line tools, the arc tools, the move tools and the rotation tools.

To create a hole, select the polyline and press Alt+C.

To create a gap, select the polyline and press Alt+E.

To cut the polyline, select the polyline and press Alt+X.

To undo, click on the undo icon in the toolbar or press Ctrl+Z.
To redo, click on the redo icon in the toolbar or press Ctrl+Y.

Go to View > Tasks

You will see that the polyline is a task.

If you make changes to a task, you will need to save your project.

You can also right click on a task and select Update to update the task.

You can get the project by selecting View > Download as to open the.dwg file.
You can edit the project and download a new version.

To add a task, select Add task > Polyline or select task > Polyline.

You can add multiple lines in a single task.

Note: If you want to add a hole, you need to add a gap first before you add the polyline, or it won’t show up.

To finish the polyline, you need to change its color.

The default color is black, so you need to change the color to something else.

You can change the color by selecting a color picker.

Or you can use the color tool to create a new color by pressing Ctrl+B and using the arrow keys to select the new color.

You can edit the polyline or save the project by clicking on the icon or by pressing Ctrl+S.

You can create a node at the corner of a polyline by pressing Ctrl+E and the node tools icon, or by selecting the node tool and selecting a corner of the polyline by using the arrow keys.

To create an arc, select the polyline

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Supports both the new marker and annotations, and the ability to apply multiple marks.

Accessible toolbars with intelligent placement of menus, wizards, and toolbars. (video: 2:28 min.)

Features for scalable vector graphics. (video: 3:06 min.)

Supports ISO 12009. (video: 1:28 min.)

Redesigns of the Endpoint Manager and Flow Editor improve how they work, making it easier to set up and use. (video: 1:57 min.)

See the CAD Live User Group ( for more information on new and upcoming features.

Robust Studio

CAD Studio provides a comprehensive set of software tools for creating, viewing, and manipulating a wide variety of CAD drawings, including mechanical, structural, civil, and architectural drawings. It is a foundation of all applications in the drawing, modeling, and presentation tools groups, and is the only professional 3D modeling application that can also support 2D drafting.

Studio now includes key features such as a single-window design environment for creating drawings and drawing parts, a presentation designer that provides templates for helping to create professional drawings, and a drawing part library that enables you to access, insert, and organize design elements from libraries. (video: 6:18 min.)

Drawing Viewer

AcadDraw 2020 comes with a robust new drawing viewer that uses a highly efficient 3D engine. It allows you to scale and reposition views of your drawings for improved comprehension and ease of working.

AcadDraw 2020 includes the following viewer features:

Enhanced capability for showing 2D and 3D drawings at the same time in the same window.

Faster loading of large drawing files.

Option to see identical views of the same drawing at different scales.

Option to hide all toolbars except the Ruler, Plotter, and Zoom tools.

Option to show a portion of a drawing at any zoom level.

Option to toggle between showing and hiding a detailed line-by-line view.

Option to open a copy of the same drawing in a separate window.

Option to place multiple drawings in the same window (Workspace/Navigator).

Enhanced custom rendering of line markings and annotation styles.

Enhanced context-sensitive help

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

– Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP (32/64 bit), Notepad++, Reddit 5.0.3
– Android
– iPhone/iPad
– Web Browser
– Web Browser