FreeBase PC/Windows







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FSF.GIF is the free software for the Macintosh Operating System to configure the Apple AirPort Base Station.
At US$299, the Apple AirPort Base Station is the cheapest wireless Access Point that complies with the 802.11b wireless networking standard. It comes with an Ethernet port, a V.90 modem and it includes the WaveLan card.
Unfortunately, it only comes with configuration software for the Apple Macintosh Operating System.
FSF.GIF was written to allow Windows users to configure the Base Station, and to allow replacing the WaveLan card with a ‚WaveLan/Orinoco Gold‘ card so users can have strong encryption.
You’re looking at what was once scheduled to be a quick „one week project“.
FSF.GIF is written in Visual Basic, and the source code is freely available.
To configure a ‚virgin‘ Base Station as it comes out of the box:
– Plug in the power to your Base Station. If the center light lights green and the other lights are off, your Base Station has finished booting.
– In your Network Neighbourhood setup, set your „TCP/IP -> ORINOCO“ or „TCP/IP -> WaveLan“ properties to get an IP address automatically, and delete any existing router addresses and Domain Name Servers. This will cause your PC to obtain all network addresses from the Base Station using DHCP. The Base as it comes out of the box is configured to give out addresses between 10.0.1..0.1.50.
– Under version 6.0 and later versions of the driver go to the control panel applet for WaveLan and set your WaveLan Network Name to ‚ANY‘ (without the quotes). Under earlier versions, set the network name to ‚ANY‘ using the Network Properties of the WaveLan adapter.
– Boot your PC
– You should now see your Base Station and be able to configure it using the password ‚public‘ (without the quotes).
FSF.GIF Description:

FreeBase is a free Windows software to configure the Apple AirPort Base Station.
At US$299, the Apple AirPort Base Station is the cheapest wireless Access Point that complies with the 802.11b wireless networking standard. It comes with an Ethernet port, a V.90 modem and it includes the WaveLan card.
Unfortunately, it only


– F.B. uses a text file with the format of a URL (addressing scheme) and a path to the file. If you want to save space, you can create a single text file with the name you want and no extension, but if you want to create a version of FreeBase, you must give it a.bmp or.exe file extension (where a is the major version of FreeBase, and b is the minor version).
– F.B. has two sections: User Interface and Program Library. The User Interface is the section where you ‚dialog‘ with the Base Station. The Program Library is the section where F.B. stores all the configuration information.
– The default configuration values are stored in a set of properties called:
– IP Address: Usually
– Subnet Mask: Usually
– Router: Usually
– NTCP Name: usually the name of the Base Station, i.e. WL200, WL300, WL200G, WL300G, WL200WS, WL300WS, WL200SR, WL300SR, etc.
– Password: Usually ‚public‘ (without the quotes)
– Configuration: Stores the control and privacy passwords for the Base Station and WaveLAN adapters.
– Delay Fix: Contains a delay value that is added to the normal maximum throughput of both WLAN adapters and WaveLAN card.
– Wireless Interface: Stores the speed of your card.
– Some particular changes from the default configuration that have been introduced in the last versions include:
– Changing the Default Security Level of the Wireless Interface from 2 to 4. This is mostly used for the Virgin Base Station.
– Changing the subnet mask of the Wireless Interface from to for the Virgin Base Station.
– Replacing the default TCPDigital control password (WL200, WL300) and WaveLAN TCPDigital(+ version 4) control password (PUBLIC) with the control password of the Virgin Base Station.
– Replacing the default TCPDigital control password (WL200, WL300) and WaveLAN TCPDigital(+ version 4) control password (PUBLIC) with the WaveLAN CCAP Control password of the Virgin Base Station.
– Replacing the

FreeBase Free Download

FreeBase is a simple to use program written in Visual Basic 6.0 (or up to VB.NET 7) that allows you to configure your
Apple AirPort Base Station
and replace the WaveLAN card with a WaveLAN/Orinoco Gold card.
FreeBase automatically configures the Base Station using DHCP at startup, gets the network address automatically,
assigns the default password „public“
allows you to add host names and connect to existing SSID networks.
(using the „Add Network“ button in the program)
The ORINOCO card replaces the original WaveLAN card. ORINOCO cards come with no encryption, and provide little more than basic IP connectivity.
The benefits of this card are the elimination of any encryption on the network and allow more traffic to flow for basic and basic devices.
You can add a power switch button to FreeBase to shutdown or hibernate your Base Station.
The program uses the serial number of your Base Station to find the model number in Apple’s configuration document located at:

FreeBase will boot with some of the firmware files missing.
You can view these files by starting ‚Freebase.vbs‘

or running FreeBase with arguments
-start -firmware
NOTE: For the screenshot here of a Base Station with a WaveLAN and Orinoco Gold card installed:
– I had to disconnect the cable from the Orinoco Gold card and put it back in to take the screen shot.
– The new configuration file in C:\Armadillo\BaseStation.config is the only file that is different than when the Base Station was new.
That is, it does not contain any passwords (it is blank).
– There is no ORINOCO logo on the WaveLAN interface on the Base Station (it says ‚Domain Name Server‘ in grey).
– The Box is a SmartBase 1150
– The PCI Card is a ‚Orinoco GOLD‘
– The MAC Address of the Base Station is 00:13:11:2C:8A:DD:03. You can learn the MAC of the Base Station by using Apple’s Hardware Diagnostics:

What’s New in the FreeBase?

The interface has two windows – one on the left for entering all configuration data and another on the right for displaying the data entered. There are two tabs – On- and Off-line.
The On-line tab contains a list of your Network Neighbourhood Servers – either local network servers or servers connected to other computers. Click on a server name, and either a dialog box appears to enter the Network Name (commonly called the NetBIOS name) or another dialog box to enter the NetBIOS name.
You also can connect to the Internet using either ISDN or PPP connection if you have a modem to plug into the Base Station.
Please note that the Base Station must be connected to a network source using a wire or wireless connection, before you can use the Network Neighbourhood to configure it. Please also note that you can not use the On-line tab to configure any ’native‘ WaveLan cards.
The Off-line tab displays a short history of the settings applied to the Base Station.
Please note that this is just an estimate and that the Cable box may be set to some other setup that you will not be able to change.
The Base Station is a passive unit, and it will only respond to configured signals.
There are four Network Properties screens.
The TimeOut for when the Base Station will no longer respond for signals and MAC address changes, after a minimum idle time.
The Automatic reconnection is a feature that will „re-conect“ the Base Station to the network automatically when it loses its network connection.
The Lease Renewal is a feature that extends the lease/rental time for your Base Station from when the Base Station is initially rented to a set time after which it will reset your Network password. This feature can only be set once, when first installed.
The Network Password is a set sequence that will be sent to all computers when the Base Station is first installed.
The Base Station can only be used with the ‚System ID‘ set to ‚MAC Address‘ in Network Neighbourhood setup.
When the Base Station is running, it has the ability to report, and to its „master control unit“ (MCU) on the LAN, the status of a variety of things.
The General Status lets you know if the Base Station is listening for MAC address, setting the password, reporting or either responding or not responding to a connection, or scanning for other Base Stations.
The Master Status lets you

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10 (64-bit Windows 10, Windows 7, or Windows 8.1).
Windows 10 (64-bit Windows 10, Windows 7, or Windows 8.1). Processor: Intel Core i3-8120, AMD Phenom II X4 940, or faster.
Intel Core i3-8120, AMD Phenom II X4 940, or faster. Memory: 8GB RAM.
8GB RAM. Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4600 or AMD Radeon R9 270X or newer,