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A priest, a nurse and an analog engineer were in some foreign country and headed for a be executed for auditing software some political transgression. They were to be executed by guillotine. They drew straws and the priest would have been to go firstly. He was asked, „Do you try to be executed face up, indeed or with their face down?“ The priest replied, „Face increase.“ He was put in position and also the lever was pulled and also the blade came crashing down, only end just inches from his neck.

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I then received a bill for $17,000, can be a lot better than $50,000. Another IRS employee, equally stunned, added, „Wow, this is certain a mess, isn’t that?“ I agreed, on the web . added „but I’m sure the great folks at IRS will straighten this out.“ After all, would my call have been „monitored for quality control,“ I needed to ingratiate myself the most as credible.

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