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Because they look ugly folks assume wish get rid of the warts as soon as they seem. There are various treatments for many wart removal like freezing them out with liquid nitrogen, using salicylic acid, laser surgery, duct tape and natural methods using home remedies. You can either seek professional help for wart removal or you can either treat them at dwelling. Both are equally productive. Because it is simple to remove warts at home many people prefer to heal warts the natural way. Doctors known as dermatologists are professionally educated to remove hpv.

Thus, yet skin infections caused by viruses among the human papillomavirus (HPV) home. The hpv virus leads to a hard protein called keratin in the top layer on the skin (the epidermis) to cultivate too much, producing the rough, hard texture of an wart.

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Soak the wart or mole in warm water for about 15-20 minutes and then dry. Apply apple cider vinegar towards affected area and get forced out on for 15-20 time. Wash it off with water and dry.

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