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Cooper developed immense impact on the press during an show in the Toronto Pebbles Revival performance in 1969. Says Alice, a chicken roamed unexpectedly on with enough force during his performance. He plucked the chicken up, assuming it’d fly, and tossed it into the crowd. The fowl landed each morning laps of disabled people wheelchairs sitting in the top. By all accounts, these fans plucked the indegent bird to pieces. The press, however, said that Cooper bit the head right off and drank the birds blood. Alice, still then, refuted the allegations, saying it was all an unusual accident. The rumors weren’t squelched though, and the affair changed into the talk of the music activity industry.

Blige has openly discussed on other occasions her dark past with cocaine and Alcohol Addiction that started when she was only 16. She rationalizes that she abused alcohol and drugs to hide her insecurities about the way she looked, being molested at 5 and experiencing an abusive relationship along with a former date. No teenager […]